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  1. ag0r

    what to do with my yellow tang

    yeah. ive pretty much decided that i am going to take the tang out of the tang. if not only for that territorial fact and how hard it will be to add new fish but that he will get to big. now, when u count the inches of fish, do you count just their body, or their body and their tails and fins...
  2. ag0r

    what to do with my yellow tang

    i have had my 40 gallon tank established for close to 4 months. my yellow tang is the only fish left in it, and he seems to be thriving since day one, 4 months ago, growing lots, swimming happily, tho occasionsally he does stay staionary then dart from one place to another. anyway, my dealer...
  3. ag0r

    looking for friendly fish...HELP

    yes, i kno that it has ich. its just that it survived it. i have been treating for close to 4 weeks. i am waiting 3 more b4 fish just to play it safe. either way i think i am gonna pull the tang and possibly put in a lemonpeel, but i am not sure if a lemonpeel will eventually be compatible...
  4. ag0r

    Slug or snail?...or sumthing else

    oh, i will remember that. tho this bottle says contains no copper, safe for all inverts and corals. ubt either way, its adivce frm my delaer, i i dont plan on trusting them much anymore
  5. ag0r

    Slug or snail?...or sumthing else

    the problem is i dont have a skimmer running. i have recently been treating for ich, and the treatment bottle says to turn the protein skimmer off, tho the treatment is over as of yesterday, so the skimmer will go on in a day or two
  6. ag0r

    Slug or snail?...or sumthing else

    hey, well, reccently i saw these small 1/4 inch, snail slash slug like things crawling aroudn my tank. they appear like snail when they go on the glass. but they do not have shells, and are fuzzy on the back. are they bad and hsould i remove them
  7. ag0r

    wierd tang behavior

    is it normal to see a yellow tang pecking at a green brain coral. i see it doing it every onece in a whilte, tho there appears ot be no apparent damage to teh brain. the brain, tho, has no oppened up to its full extent like it used to in over a week now. is this normal, or should something be...
  8. ag0r

    Slug or snail?...or sumthing else

    recently i have seen a couple of really samll slug like white creatures. they are either slugs, snails, or sumthing else. i have 6 adult turbo snails. these little white thinks are like 1/4 inch long, and has no shell. it is fuzzy on the back. when it went on the glass it looked like a...
  9. ag0r

    looking for friendly fish...HELP

    the odd thing is is that my tang has survived two different bouts of ich that have killed 3 clowns, a damsel, and a cb angel. will rearrangeing rockwork be enough to eliminate his territoriality or is a total removal that only true cure. cuz he seems to be quite happy in my tank, he swim...
  10. ag0r

    looking for friendly fish...HELP

    why? will he get territorial
  11. ag0r

    What do you guys think of........?

    hey, i'm just looking for some experienced advice on fish to add to my tank and possibly in what order. i have a 40 gallon hexagonal reef tank, established for close to 3 or 4 months. i have a yellow tank and a silver sand-sifting goby, red glass star fish, tan sand star fish, 6 turbo snail, 1...
  12. ag0r

    looking for friendly fish...HELP

    hey, i'm just looking for some experienced advice on fish to add to my tank and possibly in what order. i have a 40 gallon hexagonal reef tank, established for close to 3 or 4 months. i have a yellow tank and a silver sand-sifting goby, red glass star fish, tan sand star fish, 6 turbo snail, 1...