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  1. mende

    Mimic Tang and Coral Beauty Compatability

    Hey all, Is a Mimic Tang compatible with a Coral Beauty? We wanted a yellow tang but we don't hear great things about them. ie-ICH and Aggressievess. Here is my current set up: 55 Gallon 35 lbs LR CSL 2x65 10,000 Smartlite PC's 2" Carib Sea Special Reef Aragonite CPR Wet/Dry, CS 90...
  2. mende

    20Lb Beautiful Figi Live Rock

    Thanks for the advice. Should I use a regular hammer or a rubber mallet? PS. I will create the sculpture tonight. I'll let ya know the results. Mende
  3. mende

    20Lb Beautiful Figi Live Rock

    I just acquired a beautiful piece of Figi Live Rock weighing about 20 lbs. I have a 55 Gallon acquarium and it does not fit. Can I break it in half w/o doing any harm? If so, How? Thanks, Mende