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  1. grizzy

    setup suggestions

    wow! Thanks for the quick reply Josh.
  2. grizzy

    setup suggestions

    Suggestions or comments on any and all phases of my setup is greatly appreciated. I plan on keeping 5 or so small fish (percs, gobies, & a bangaii,) and these corals--- anchor, frogspawn, trumpet/candy, torch, pagoda, button polyps. Tank-- 55gl drilled w/ 20gl sump Skimmer-- Euro Reef ES-5...
  3. grizzy

    How "bare bones" can you go?

    First off thank you to everyone who helps out us newbies. This hobby is very complicated and would be downright impossible without your patience and knowledge. OK. I would like to start a FOWLR in the 55 gl range. What items could you go without if you were to buy a ton (1.5-2 lbs per gl) of LR...
  4. grizzy

    question for Something's Fishy #809

    If anyone else that runs a bigger sized eclipse wants to chime in it would be appreciated. I just didn't want to post an outright FOWLR question on the reef board. Thanks
  5. grizzy

    question for Something's Fishy #809

    Hello, I read in an old post that you run a 29 gl eclipse. Your profile also says you have a 40 gl eclipse. I am in the market for a 37 gl eclipse and was wondering if you could get me some comments about your system. I plan on running mostly a FOWLR but may add some easy and hardy corals in...
  6. grizzy

    Where online to buy LR

    Looking for any and all opinions and comments of where to buy LR online. There has to be a few places out there that sell quality rock that ships well, arrives on time, and doesn't cost too much. Also, I live in Tampa so I do have an abundance of local options. Has anyone out there bought any LR...
  7. grizzy

    Koran Angel

    How long would it take for an very small juv. Koran Angel (1.5-2.5") to outgrow a 37 gl FOWLR? If one was to upgrade in a year/year and a half would that be suffice? Please don't hesitate to say that is cruel or unadvisable.
  8. grizzy

    opinions about Gobies

    Amphiprion, The picture you posted is exactly the goby I am talking about. I love those little guys. Anyone out there house them in their tanks?
  9. grizzy

    opinions about Gobies

    I have been told by some experienced marine aquarists that the addition of Gobies doesn't put a big strain on your tank's biolaod. The thought being Gobies are more of a consumer than a producer of waste. Can this be said for most gobies, certain types, or is it simply incorrect. If true what...
  10. grizzy

    Help with new tank

    Starting a 37 gl eclipse and would like to get feedback concerning substrate. I will house 4-5 very small fish, plenty of LR, and may add some hardy corals in the future. There seems to be different schools of thought about LS so I was wondering what I should use for the above setup. Argonite...