Search results

  1. chris2010

    Huge reef tank for sale!

    This tank is perfect size for a reef hobbiest...My dad and I bought this tank about 2 years ago and havent had the time or money to start it up... I know there is someone out there who can accomplish this in this tank. Perfect demensions for lights and this 8 foot long tank will make someone's...
  2. chris2010

    Three tanks for sale in Toledo, Ohio

    I have three tanks for sale and everything goes with them. One is a 29 gallon freshwater tank that is in good condition. Bought it new a year ago. Stand, heater, filter, CP lights, ect. Asking $180. Next ,is a 75 gallon freshwater tank . Also bought it new a year ago. Stand, tank, canopy...
  3. chris2010


    Ok, where did you guys get yours? Like what website? Or did you get them through a LFS? I have a 275 gallon tank and i want to cover the rock with ricordia mushrooms around the corals.
  4. chris2010

    My New 275 Gallon Diary!!!!!!!!:)

    Sorry guys for no updates. We are finishing up a street rod and other things going on at school. I go to cedar point with my high school band for a trip. That cost a little right there. So thats why im at a stopping point for a couple of weeks.
  5. chris2010

    My New 275 Gallon Diary!!!!!!!!:)

    Originally Posted by azul1994 Sorry if i skipped over this if you put it in. What type of skimmer do you have? We got it from www.*************.com. Its called High Performence Protein Skimmer-Bullet 3
  6. chris2010

    A few shots of my Tangs

    That is a beautiful Naso. How long is it.
  7. chris2010

    My New 275 Gallon Diary!!!!!!!!:)

    We have around $4000 in it. The Protein skimmer alone cost $600
  8. chris2010

    sharing pics of my 300 gallon

    Great tank!!!! One ? I have a 275 gallon tank and want a couple clams. I want one as big as the three you have. What kind are those? Can you tell me a little about them.
  9. chris2010

    New tank setup 125 Gallon

    Looks great man. Whats your stock list going to be?
  10. chris2010

    Dwarf Angel poll!!!!

    Oh....beautiful Angel Fish
  11. chris2010

    Dwarf Angel poll!!!!

    Originally Posted by forddna Interruptus Angel...Japanese Pygmy Angel. Thats some wicked hybrid angel fish.
  12. chris2010

    Choosing Clams!!

    We did that to are old saltwater tank and the clam did very well. Once we get one and put in the tank i will post it in the 275 gallon diary.
  13. chris2010

    My new love!!

    WOW that is sharp!!
  14. chris2010

    Choosing Clams!!

    Thats what I had in mind. The crocea and the Maximas.
  15. chris2010

    Choosing Clams!!

    Thanks for the info. I will probably get a few books on reef aquariums and some clam info will probably be in there
  16. chris2010

    Choosing Clams!!

    I would really like the clam to be on a rock, so some clams will be eliminated from my choices Im assuming. The only fish that might pick on it is a powder blue tang or a sixline wrasse.
  17. chris2010

    Choosing Clams!!

    Well thank you guys for the info. Im trying to get more details into clams. I guess i might have to get a book like florida joe said. Maybe if I tell you some info it will help. Lighting---4 watts per gallon. MHs, CPs, and Super actinic Bioload will be enough for sure when all the fissh...
  18. chris2010

    FishyGurl's 125G Tank Diary!!! =)

    Ohhhh sorry about that. I divided it wrong. You right!!
  19. chris2010

    How Many Gallon?

    Its almost 10 gallons. To do this, you take LxWxH and divide it by 231