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  1. naclfish

    Porcupine Fish

    awsome fish
  2. naclfish

    To much light for a ricordea???

  3. naclfish

    Clam lighting

    how long should a tank be up before a clam is added
  4. naclfish

    Thinking of Ditching the Sandbed..

    cc can scratch the #$%@ out of ure glass.
  5. naclfish

    Buying a used 55g fish only with live rock type

    good call they suck my lfs sold me 3 when i started my tank needless to say 2 are still there 2 years later. home depot sells the homer bucket for like 5 bucks they make moving ure liver rock pretty easy.
  6. naclfish

    hurricane preparedness!!!!

    better to have and not need than need and not have. good luck
  7. naclfish

    T5 vs. VHO vs. Metal Halides?

    which lasts longer?
  8. naclfish

    Aqua Medic 250wt pendant

    sorry to ask but does the ballest come with it and will you ship to NY for the 175?
  9. naclfish

    Aqua Medic 250wt pendant

    would that be ok for a 55 i have no exp. with hqi but i want to move up to sps and clams.