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  1. mach03infront

    Post Pics Of Your Clownfish

    larry, my clown in the nano tank
  2. mach03infront

    Aquarium Addiction

    #7 is so true my other half gets very upset about it ....
  3. mach03infront

    Can I keep these 2 items?

    you can keep all the fish but mandarin dragonette, because they need lots and lots of live rock.... and also they need a mature tank. i would return the bta as soon as possible because it will die quickly because of your poor lighting. also your mushroom are at risk. you may want to upgrade your...
  4. mach03infront

    post pics of ur reef tanks

    also look in thread titles that displays "diary" that will show a lot of different tank pictures just to give you a heads up
  5. mach03infront

    Yellow Tang With Black Ich?? Help!!!!!

    3 types of flake formula 1,2,prime spirulina brine (frozen) mysis shrimp (frozen) formula 1 (frozen) cyclopeeze sp??? (frozen) and i also leave on the glass green marine algae
  6. mach03infront

    Moved and Reaquascaped my 65...

    let me know if you'll ever frag that cap!
  7. mach03infront

    Pajama Cardinals = Ugliest Fish Alive?

    never will say i don't like them but, they look like freshwater fish to me
  8. mach03infront

    Are blacklights harmful?

    too bad all the pictures are deleted
  9. mach03infront

    Moved and Reaquascaped my 65...

    very nice what type of lighting do you have ? you have a nice sized cap that i like!
  10. mach03infront

    t-5 vs mh which too choose>?

    Originally Posted by fanker get a tek 4x54w t-5 set up, iys more light than the sun-pod and cheaper please explain ... i thought everything came down to how many total watts you have... please keep in mind i do want to keep sps corals in this tank which will be a 55 gallon as i stated above..
  11. mach03infront

    t-5 vs mh which too choose>?

    well Nova Extreme T5HO X2 - 10,000K Daylight / 460nm Actinic - Saltwater Light System with an sunpod hqi??!! sound good? there goes 900 bucks
  12. mach03infront

    t-5 vs mh which too choose>?

    oh crap .... tank 48l 13 w 20 h
  13. mach03infront

    t-5 vs mh which too choose>?

    Hi everyone i need some information on Nova Extreme T5HO 24-Hour Lighting System what i don't understand the whole Actinic thing? I'm an soon to start an 55 gallon 48 L 13 W 20 H i want the lighting not to be a problem down the road far as starting with soft corals and maybe sps only after...
  14. mach03infront

    my silly puffer

    lol thats crazy!
  15. mach03infront

    Help - All my fish died, even the bristle worms.

    your bio load was too much to handle in a 29 gal = crash sorry for your lost
  16. mach03infront

    Some new ricordea pics & topdowns.

    nice pictures..
  17. mach03infront

    vacation time!

    isn't that somewhere in florida?