Search results

  1. farmboy

    *insert coin*

    Is that like hitting my thumb with a hammer? We have excellant MODs now. So, I'll let that prize go on by. . .
  2. farmboy

    need recommendation for good PH around 500-700 gph

    I don't have it but there are a lot of folks on here who will nearly BEG you to get a closed loop system during the planning stages of a new tank. It looks a lot better than all the PHs hanging inside the tank. OUr tank is a 75. When we upgrade to a 220, I'll have to look into it. Just...
  3. farmboy

    This irritates me....alot!

    How about: Spanish "El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles del Río de Porciúncula", English: "The Village of Our Lady the Queen of the Angels of the Porciuncula River". L.A. anyone? And no it's not Lower Alabama.
  4. farmboy

    AHHHH!!! It starts!!!!!!

    Speaking of Newport on the levy (that is the site BTW), we had a full day with the nearly 4 hour round-trip and time out for a little shopping/dinner. It would definitely be a stay over for you all. Maybe you could check out the Cinci zoo during and make a weekend of it. I haven't been but...
  5. farmboy

    AHHHH!!! It starts!!!!!!

    Just like an INDIAN-picking on a guy's occupation. Hoosier daddy? Hey Bronc, I went to school in Indy. How far do you live from there? I remember the weather in Indianapolis. It was pretty much the same as chicago(Mostly flat in between). You all know the nice thing about winter (which...
  6. farmboy

    *insert coin*

    I'm gonna put in a coin for TOME. * insert coin * (Hope it's something good!)
  7. farmboy

    Post Those SHROOM Pix!!!

    COOL! Hey Sin, those are the little brothers to the one above. It has stretched out to around 6" at one time. They will get bigger. NIce color, though. How come they always look better in others tanks?? I'll be OK in a minute. . . . . . There. I'm Better.
  8. farmboy

    *insert coin*

    Look at the post times. It is funny that we both thought of a snow shovel. 1 detailed topographical map of Alaska * insert coin *
  9. farmboy

    AHHHH!!! It starts!!!!!!

    We live near Ashland. Yes the Newport aquarium is about 1 1/2 hours from here. It is worth the trip and the cost of admission. There is a little mini-mall that has sprung up there. There is a Border's book store and several restaurants, clothing stores, etc. Very cool. There is a...
  10. farmboy

    *insert coin*

    Sorry the shovel was for someone else. . . . 1 tank top 1 pair of flip flop sandals * insert coin *
  11. farmboy

    *insert coin*

    They say the weather can make people grumpy. I don't know if I can believe that. . . . :thinking: ______________________________________________________________________ 1 Snow shovel * Insert coin *
  12. farmboy

    Post Those SHROOM Pix!!!

    I know some of you have seen these but. . .
  13. farmboy

    AHHHH!!! It starts!!!!!!

    T t t t t t t twen twen twen twen t t t t t t ty ty ty ty ty . . . . 20 in NE KY. Global warming indeed.
  14. farmboy

    AHHHH!!! It starts!!!!!!

    No, Just Ohio.
  15. farmboy

    AHHHH!!! It starts!!!!!!

    Luckily, Farmboy always referees hockey games while wearing foul weather wetsuit under his uniform. Especially when dealing with these teams. . . .
  16. farmboy

    Christmas Comes Early!!!

    Sounds like a GREAT setup! I don't know about the price. I generally don't buy dry goods (except tanks) from LFS. Setup and service from the local is NICE though.
  17. farmboy

    Help Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    75 gallons of water weighs just over 600 pounds. That is like 3 good sized men standing in the same area as your tank. I assume that is like 18" by 48" footprint. That isn't the total load but you can see it is not that much when ya think about it. Now about that 240 gallon . . . . :thinking:
  18. farmboy

    new to the game.. SWF my new home you guys are my new family

    One big family. . . .WIll you all stop squeezing the toothpaste from the middle of the tube!! J/K WELCOME
  19. farmboy

    Mushroom question

    Did ya sqeeze it by accident when it was moved? I've handled them before and they don't like it. :scared:
  20. farmboy

    Classifieds Seller's Feedback

    Yep, you guessed it. Another GREAT trade from Keonia! :cheer: She sent TONS of stuff-AOK! Thanks again Keonia! Farmboy