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  1. kronnk7

    lawnmower blenny aggressive?

    That's wierd I've had two lmb and they were never mean :notsure:
  2. kronnk7

    I need help!!

    I'm learning alot. I have an R/O unit on it's way. One feeding a day? I might try that. I'm in Richmond oreo.
  3. kronnk7

    need Chaetomorpha Algae

    I want a bag, I'm in east cenral Indiana (47374). Let me know how much it will be please. My e-mail is
  4. kronnk7

    I need help!!

    Sorry Thomas I also have childern so I didn't get back to you sooner. I feed twice a day, once in moring and then at about 7:00pm. I thought that about 30 lbs. more live rock would be cool but now I know that it does help your swt. Do you think my two main filters are good enough, in combo with...
  5. kronnk7

    A little help???

    Tom thanks for the reply. I've always heard that mh lights are bad for swt. :notsure:
  6. kronnk7

    I need help!!

    I think the algea is slime but it has grown like hair. It's about 2-3 inches long.
  7. kronnk7

    A little help???

    hey everyone, I have a 55 gal. and I have 2 15w (18,000k) power glo bulbs is that right for a reef tank??? Ronnie :notsure:
  8. kronnk7

    I need help!!

    I would like to ask all of the saltwater vet to help me make my tank the best I can so if anyone has ANY advise please by all means let me know. :cheer:
  9. kronnk7

    I need help!!

    I forgot to say something about that, I add Kent Iodine & Cal. supplements in once a week. I have know clue about the different water types. The first 55 gallon saltwater tank I had I didn't have to do all the specail stuff I'm doing this time. Is the filteration I'm using right or should I...
  10. kronnk7

    I need help!!

    My setup is pretty simple, I have two percula's, a cleaner wrasse, two stripe damsel, and a "velvet" damsel. My water is tap water treated with Jack's pet stores water conditioner. I have 4 pieces of live rock totaling about 30 pounds. The floor of my tank has 30 pounds of live sand with a mix...
  11. kronnk7

    I need help!!

    I have had my tank set up for about 4 months and for some reason I keep losing snails. I test my water weekly and it tests ok but I still have snail trouble. So because of the no snail ordeal my tank is starting to be over ran by dark red algea. PLEASE someone help me!!!