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  1. fringehead

    clam and anemone died???

    old age?
  2. fringehead

    better than Lawnmower Blenny?

    Is there a better soldier in the war against brown hair algae than the Lawnmower Blenny? I recently lost mine and am having a bit of trouble replacing him via or the local suppliers. I am not interested in chemical controls, looking strictly for a livestock remedy. The blenny I...
  3. fringehead

    Brown algae scum problem in nano

    Originally Posted by Naso140 what kind of power head/ water flow do you have? I have a Cubemasters 12 gallon nano (yeah, I know it's crap) and am using the submersible pump supplied with it. It's quite small, in order to fit into the bulkhead, and is cranked up to maximum flow. Replacement...
  4. fringehead

    Brown algae scum problem in nano

    I am at my wit's end-My 12 gallon nano is plagued by a brown scum-like algae that totally envelopes the live rock and grows across the live sand. When scraped from the glass it comes off in sheets. On the rocks it takes on a hairlike quality. My lighting is limited to eight hours per day,temp is...
  5. fringehead

    How long does bubble algae take to grow?

    I started with two emeralds and half a dozen hermits in my 12 gallon nano. I now have one VERY large emerald and everything else appears to have skipped town. So much for the "vegetarian" emerald crabs...
  6. fringehead

    mystery mollusk, identify?

    No, not a good one. I googled stomatella snail and that looks like the infidel. Thanks
  7. fringehead

    mystery mollusk, identify?

    This little beastie is approximately one and one quarter inch long, appears to be some type of gastropod. Has been in my twelve gallon nano since setup (likely with the live rock) has grown progressively larger over the past eight months or so. Does a good job of removing algae from glass, seems...
  8. fringehead

    Anemone in NANO???

    I tried a Pink Tip in my 12 gallon Nano, quite a lousy decision. It arrived looking rather small in the plastic bag. The next morning it had "blossomed" and was freaking huge. Over the course of a week or so it drifted to various places in the tank, stinging other sessile tank mates on the way.I...