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  1. villi

    Flame Angel not eating

    Did you try an algae based food? When my flame angel stopped eating mysis and brine shrimp, I gave him formula 2 and that worked right away. Algae sheets didn't work either.
  2. villi

    Flame Angel not eating

    Looking at the angel's fins, it looks like he may have been picked on by another fish. I think the separation will definitely help.
  3. villi

    Flame Angel not eating

    I had the same issue last week with a flame angel in my QT. After I separated him from the other fish, I tried formula 2 (small broken-up, defrosted pieces from a frozen cube). He went right for it. Don't know if it was the stress from the other fish or the formula 2, but he has been eating...
  4. villi

    Ammonia in QT

    I had the same problem when I removed my live rock from the QT and added my fish. I would just continue with the daily water changes until the bacteria colony re-establishes itself. Also pick up some Amquel+. I had some good luck with it - did not lose any fish once I added it. Good luck.
  5. villi

    Flame Angel not eating - HELP!

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Eh, I use food that does not have a gel binder. I break off what I need, defrost it with some vitamins added, then just rub it between my fingers under the water. Everyone pigs out. Yeah, I am not a huge fan of the gel binder. Pain in the butt to prepare for...
  6. villi

    Flame Angel not eating - HELP!

    I started with a 1/16th of a cube and used a knife to chop it up. I'll just make sure I do a better job tomorrow...some of the pieces ended up bigger than his mouth.
  7. villi

    Flame Angel not eating - HELP!

    ...a little. I don't know if it is because of isolation, or if it was the formula II, but I think he actually swallowed some food. He wasted a ton because the pieces weren't small enough, but I believe a very small amount was swallowed. He kept taking some in and 95% got spit back out, over...
  8. villi

    Diamond and Sleeper Gobies

    So I had a total of 4 gobies (2 diamond and 2 golden headed sleepers). I noticed some differences between the two and wanted to check if others had the same experiences. Diamond gobies - both jumped out of the tiny cutouts in the cover of my 34g Solana and died. I really liked the fact that...
  9. villi

    Flame Angel not eating - HELP!

    Ok, so I had the flame angel trade places with the other clowns. The flame angel is now in the 5.5g QT by himself, and there are now three ocellaris in the 20g QT. Hopefully the clowns can play nicely for the next 10-13 days (3 more hypo, then bringing salinity up). I am having trouble finding...
  10. villi

    Flame Angel not eating - HELP!

    I have my flame angel, sleeper goby, a small blue tang, b&w ocellaris, and a lyretail anthis undergoing hypo in my 20g QT right now. Ich kept occuring in my DT (just the flame and blue tang), so I had to put them in QT that was not completely cycled. I did almost daily 25% water changes to...
  11. villi

    Ammonia/Nitrite Spike in QT - Advice Please

    Thanks Sep. Do you think at the current levels of ammonia 0.3 and nitrite 1.6 the fish are in danger? These levels have been pretty constant the last few days even with water changes. Also, all fish are eating and pretty active. Should I do a 25-50% water change tonight (I did 15% yesterday...
  12. villi

    Ammonia/Nitrite Spike in QT - Advice Please

    I'm confused...I thought Amquel+ was similar to Prime ( Is AmmoLock pretty much the same thing as Amquel+? Its tough to tell by the description because although the descriptions say the products pretty much do the same thing, they don't...
  13. villi

    Ammonia/Nitrite Spike in QT - Advice Please

    Is SeaChem Prime a suitable substitute for Ammo-Lock, or should I pick some up tomorrow?
  14. villi

    Ammonia/Nitrite Spike in QT - Advice Please

    My QT was cycled with the sponge from the sump and a couple of pieces of live rock, but to treat ick with hypo, I removed the LR and added a HOB filter, and I believe my QT became "uncycled" because it could not handle the bioload of all my fish without the LR. Now, the ammonia first spiked to...
  15. villi

    2 Dwarf Angels in a 75 - Bad Idea?

    I am going to pick up the cherub angel this weekend. In 4-6 weeks, I am going to try and put my existing flame angel and the cherub into my 75 at the same time. Hopefully, with the amount of hiding spaces in the 110 lbs of LR, they will be able to co-exist. Otherwise, I will have to break...
  16. villi

    2 Dwarf Angels in a 75 - Bad Idea?

    Thanks everyone for the advice so far. One thing that I just thought of. I have a 34g Solana that I am developing a stocklist for...currently only a diamond goby. I was thinking about putting a flameback angel into this tank (not sure if African or Brazilian...depends on what I can find...
  17. villi

    2 Dwarf Angels in a 75 - Bad Idea?

    The pygmy angel I was talking about is a Cherub angel (I think centropyge argi).
  18. villi

    2 Dwarf Angels in a 75 - Bad Idea?

    I currently have a flame angel (~2"), and I saw a tiny pygmy angel (size of a quarter) that I really liked at the LFS. Looking to see what everyone thinks about putting those two together in a 75. I do have about 110 lbs of live rock, so there are plenty of places to hide and separate. Also, I...
  19. villi

    Marine Ick/******

    Well, things aren't going as well as planned. Today, I found one of the lyretails and my sixline dead and stuck between the sponge I took from my sump and the wall. My heater malfunctioned overnight and I woke up to 71F water. I quickly replaced the heater, and temp is back around 78...
  20. villi

    Marine Ick/******

    So here is where I am at... I just removed all of the fish from my DT and put them into the 20G high QT...its a full house. I had to combine what I was already holding in the QT with my DT fish. So it is three ocellaris clowns, two lyretail anthias, a tomato clown, sixline wrasse, sleeper...