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  1. madchase18

    Which method for treatment?

    So if I do this I get rid of Ich for good, where-as with just treating the one tang the ich is still in the tank.. correct? But is it true that there will always be parastites in my DT ? And if I keep the rest of the fish healthy won't they stay strong and not get ich? Or will they still have...
  2. madchase18

    Which method for treatment?

    So I have plenty of tanks laying around that are or were used for my reptiles, will just a 10 gallon be big enough for the 4 of them? How long do I really have to keep them in there, really a few weeks or more? A heater won't be necessary since my house (and therefore tank) is hot- about...
  3. madchase18

    Which method for treatment?

    While I was out of the country for a couple months my 120 reef tank crashed (due to poor maitenance) and everything died. Anyway, my family proceeded to call in professionals to restart everything with a new and improved filtration system, new sand, water, and cleaned off the LR. After a few...
  4. madchase18

    AM I Starving them?

    So I have a newly purchased 120g reef tank that has been set up for 2 years. I moved it about 3 weeks ago and since then have been feeding a few times a week as the previous owner said he was. Well I've noticed- especially in the last few days- that when I feed, EVERY single living thing in...