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  1. spinefoot8

    hippo tang help

    Hello i just got a baby blue hippo tang a couple days ago he is in qt right now and hes doing great but i was wondering what kind of supplements should i administer to him besides mysis and sea weed salad thanks for any help Ryan
  2. spinefoot8

    in search of opinion

    i was just wanting some opinoins on wich fish i should get that would get along with my other fish in a 55gal i already have as followed 1.double barred rabit fish 1.clarki clown devil damsel 1.lawnmower blenny :happyfish
  3. spinefoot8

    algea help

    i have an extreme algea problem it looks like hair algea and i cant get rid of it my water paremeters are in check my lights are marine glo i run it it for 10 hours i have two hermits a serpeant star and a lawn mower blenny i use ro/di water thats run through a uv sterilizer any suggestions
  4. spinefoot8

    reef help

    i am interested in setting up a reef tank but not to sure what knd of lighting system i need the tank i have now has 1 scribbled rabbit fish a clarki clown a blue damsel a lawnmower blenny and A SKUNK CLEANER SHRIMP i run regular flouresenct light fixture with marine glow lampsi have 22ibs lr...
  5. spinefoot8

    live rock problem

    what is wrong with an undergravel
  6. spinefoot8

    live rock problem

    i use ordinary tap water and i have never tested phosphate what do you mean about the undergravel and why what kind of water other than city can i use thanx for the advice
  7. spinefoot8

    live rock problem

    i have 22ibs cured live rock in my 20gl long tank i run an aqua clear with de-nitrate filter medium a skilter 250 and undergravel filter powered by a power head and 50 pounds live sand there i have a marine glo anctic light and i run it 10 hours a day and i have brown algea all over my rock...