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  1. moorish

    Fire shrimp

    I mix the water in a water cooler on my patio. The thing I check the most is salinity. Now, I just add the water to the tank with all the fish and inverts in there, I have never taken them out during the water change. Should I do that? What is the best method for a water change? I was a...
  2. moorish

    Fire shrimp

    I have noticed my fire shrimp to be EXTREMELY intolerant of water changes. The first one I had started jumping and going nuts after the water change, and then suddenly stopped and died. I have had a couple of fire shrimp in GREAT shape for over a month now, and I performed a water change...
  3. moorish

    Starfish desintegrating

    For the stars, I used the 1/2 cup every 15 min. or so acclimation method. My orange star seems to be doing better, as it is starting to move around the tank a little bit more.
  4. moorish

    Purple Tang!?!?!

    I have also had a purple tang for about 1 month now, and in the last 3-4 days I have started noticing a similar "cloudy eye". The fish is also spending a lot of time near the surface of the tank. I also have a mandarinfish with some sort of growth on the fins (looks like puffy sand growing on...
  5. moorish

    Starfish desintegrating

    Thank for the answers. First, for the orange star. It is on a 12-gallon nano cube two started two months ago. Salinity is 1.024. Ammomia and nitrites are down to 0. There is about 8-10 lb. of live rock. pH=8.2 As for the red star that desintegrated in two days, it was in a 30-gallon tank...
  6. moorish

    Starfish desintegrating

    I have a 2-3 inch orange linckia starfish which started fine, then it started desintegrating (2-3 tips of its arms started to "meltdown"), and now it is recuperating. I also had a small Bali red starfish that desintegrated completely in two days. How can I fix this starfish problem? Any ideas...