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  1. gillagain

    Crushed Coral VS Live Sand

    What would you suggest? As you can tell I'm new to this and this board has been very informative.
  2. gillagain

    Crushed Coral VS Live Sand

    What if I went to 65w single bulb..
  3. gillagain

    my new lights are here!!!

    That looks great, I see a big difference with goodlighting..
  4. gillagain

    Crushed Coral VS Live Sand

    I have a 20watt light unit:bowdown
  5. gillagain

    fish only converting to live rock

    Currently I have 6 assorted Damsels, and 1 Ocellaris Clown, in a 40 Gal tank. I want to add some LR and start a second tank for the Damsels,and add some other fish to the first tank.
  6. gillagain

    fish only converting to live rock

    I should also add a uv sterilizer? To my set up, whichbrings me to my next question. what type of filter should I have, I have an Aquaclear 300. I have been thinking about going to a canister.
  7. gillagain

    fish only converting to live rock

    I want to add live rock to my fish only tank... What should I do,remove fish move to another tank, then add rock? Will there be a significant change in chemistry?
  8. gillagain

    Crushed Coral VS Live Sand

    I do have the lighting that came with tankbut have changed bulb, to "CORAL LIFE" bulb. I'm not really sure what type of corals I want to keep I was hoping to get some advice on preparing tank and choosing Hardy corals. As well as adjustments I may need to make on my filtration system... Again...
  9. gillagain

    Crushed Coral VS Live Sand

    I am new with the use of message boards and have tons of questions for those willing to answer. thanks for your patients in advance.........
  10. gillagain

    Crushed Coral VS Live Sand

    I want to take the next step but not sure what it might be, but your replies are great. I was thinking of putting sand over cc. I want to move towardsa reef tank and not sure where to go with my current setup.
  11. gillagain

    Crushed Coral VS Live Sand

    Which is best, I have a 40 Gal. tank with 6 Damsels, and 1 clown. I have been runing with fairly good success, I would like to make some changes as I am learning more about Marine Aquariums. At this time I have a fish only with some dried deco corals, and acrushed coral base I want to add some...