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  1. reefdog

    5 year old tank- not good

    This was supposed to be an update, but it’s more like a confessional. I have 27g Tall reef tank and I basically let it go. It looks like the Black Lagoon. The BakPak protein skimmer is full of crud in every chamber. The water is yellowish and the lights have not been changed at all in 5 years...
  2. reefdog

    Need updated info on 100g Reef

    Hey, I've been absent from this sight for about a year and a half. My 27g ReefTank is doing great. I have Live Rock and BackPack Skimmer, and some pumps. 3 Clownfish, 3 damsels, and about 100 hermits/Snalees/Emerald crabs all together. My question is: I have a friend who is looking at getting a...
  3. reefdog

    FAQ about buying reef goods

    Hey, I'm about to buy my first reef package. When does it ship. The next day? I need to plan on being home for it. There is no 800# for this info. Thanks
  4. reefdog

    Water Color and A WARNING!

    Q: What color should the water in your reeftank be? I mean if you poured it into a white bucket. I siphon the old water into a white 5 gal bucket for my water changes and its always light pink? I have a 27g Tall reeftank wiith crushed coral and live rock. Water test show (PH-8.2) (AMMO-0.5)...