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  1. cartman101

    hmmm what should i get?

    its a 125gal got a niger trigger and a eel and a dumb damsel
  2. cartman101

    Tessa's are puppies

    yeah my goldentail is a lil baby(very small) and wouldn't harm a flie. He even lets me pet him...........yes i know "wait untill he gets bigger"
  3. cartman101

    hmmm what should i get?

    should i get a volitan? Or should i give it a shot at a fuzzy dwarf lion??
  4. cartman101

    setting up shark tank

    i'm suprised he has eaten your damsel
  5. cartman101

    setting up shark tank

    OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEAUTIFUL SHARK!! :scared: What tank u said you have that beast in?
  6. cartman101

    Just Got My Sting Ray Today!! Need Help

    Originally Posted by tainte97 yes they just got them in yesterday morning. I will see if its eating when i go there. Also if there swimming around thats a good sign to right? Because the one I got yesterday just laid on the bottom in one spot, never swam anywhere. i would NOT pick one up untill...
  7. cartman101

    Ray Keepers I need Help!!

    see my post on the first post you made ok
  8. cartman101

    Just Got My Sting Ray Today!! Need Help

    hmm, i would definitly not go back and buy a ray from that place, not your fault,but i believe the rays had a parasite or in harsh water at the store, they are usely very hardy if it is a cali. Maybe try another place or wait a few days before purchasing another ray from that same store. Did the...
  9. cartman101

    maybe i can learn something from this book

  10. cartman101

    the jessica alba appreciation thread

    Originally Posted by Squidd The "Eyes"...The "Eyes"... Obviously you guys are not focusing in on the eyes.. The eyes are a window to the soul...and a key to the palace of forbidden treasure... :thinking: M'KAY WHAT...WHATEVER U SAY
  11. cartman101

    hockey starts tomorrow

  12. cartman101

    Just Got My Sting Ray Today!! Need Help

    hope there wasn't a parasite in the water?? Who knows it could just be from stress
  13. cartman101

    Rate of Growth of Lionfish

    pretty fast! I rememeber when i had my lion(man i miss that fish ) i got him when he was just a lil baby,very small, and in like 4 months he gre to about 7in!!! I think he was about 2-3in when i got him :notsure: . Lions are cool and i will be getting another one too!
  14. cartman101

    Just Got My Sting Ray Today!! Need Help

    u just got him when today right? Then i would say its normal hes breathing heavy, dunno about the slime.
  15. cartman101

    hockey starts tomorrow

    GO LIGHTNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! / / / / / /
  16. cartman101

    What fish would you be?

    Originally Posted by crashedin0 i would be a box jelly fish thoose have killed countless people just remember u can die very easily
  17. cartman101

    Lunear Wrassae

    i was planning on getting one of these untill i found out they are mean lil devils....good luck with him
  18. cartman101

    Just Got My Sting Ray Today!! Need Help

    Originally Posted by mitzel ghost shrimp. frozen krill , frozen squid . be sure to clean it first, and frozen scallops. mine never ate scallops but others swear by them. Just make sur to cut anything frozen up small enough . i second that too
  19. cartman101

    Just Got My Sting Ray Today!! Need Help

    sorry cant answer your questions, never had live brine before. GREAT buy! i would love to see the ray! What tank size is he in? Whats his tankmates? Love to see some pics!
  20. cartman101

    pics of my 55gal

    it looks like u have a sweetlips in your tank right? Just a little FYI that fish will definitly outgrow your tank. nice tank though