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  1. rickb29


    Thanks very much 57 chev your advise was great and straight to the point!I will be using your advise to reconcile my hair algae situation.Thanks very much!:D
  2. rickb29


    anyone :help:
  3. rickb29

    yellow polyps

    Can bristle worms eat the yellow polyps and green star polyps?Because I did not have any shrimp and my all seemed to die off.My water perameters were all great! Any help to this mystery because it has had my mind boggled for some time now.:confused:
  4. rickb29


    I am kinda wondering if it is the new bulbs I got a month ago to replace ones that were about 6 months old.I have three 65 watt pc ,1 20 watt vhoand 140 watt vho.Now the ones I just replaced were 50/50 coral life pc and so I wanted to brighten up the tank a little so I got 10,000k daylight.Now...
  5. rickb29


    So I took it out way to soon then?The instuctions say not to leave it in longer than 2 days .It is a kent marine product. So I should put it back in for a month you say? Thanks for the quick reply!
  6. rickb29


    I am also having a similar problem.I used phosban for 24hrs and then removed it from the tank is this going to work soon ?Because it does not seem to be doing anything or should I do it again?How are you suppose to use this product because instructions are not very good?Help use out please