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  1. carman

    mh lights

    bulbs are about 2 mounths old just went to mh
  2. carman

    mh lights

    the tank is almost 5 years old
  3. carman

    mh lights

    yes we use ro and we have 3 emerald crab 4 porclin about 25 red leg 25 blue leg and 50 asorted snail 6 starfish 2 coral banded and 1 saron shrimp
  4. carman

    mh lights

    what do you think about 6 hours per day
  5. carman

    mh lights

    our mh come on at 2:00 pm go of at 11:00 pm blue actnic comes on at 9:00 am goes of at midnight moon lights come on at midnight go of at 9:00 am
  6. carman

    mh lights

    :notsure: :notsure: how long would you leave your mh on per day we are getting lots of algee
  7. carman


    n2deep our email address is where do you live
  8. carman


    n2deep sorry it has taken so long to reply been realy buzzy yes we still have the tank and all but we do not want to break it up
  9. carman


    well i still have the bubbles and the only thing i can think of to do is move my power heads around im getting more every day
  10. carman


    :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: our tank has been set up for 4 years and we just recentley started using ro water insted of di and now we have lots of tiny bubbles on the rock that will float to the top but each time one goes to the top there is one to replace it we have never had this problem...
  11. carman

    100 gallon tank in oklahoma

    :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: we have gotten several emails to break this up it will be cheaper to buy all this is one heck of a deal
  12. carman

    Adoption Update

    congratulations on the new babby there is nothing like the noise a child or children put in the house my husband and i have 4 girls there ages ar 25,22,19,17 and now we are raising our 4 year old grandson you will wake every morning with something new that will happen in your life .it is a great...
  13. carman

    100 gallon tank in oklahoma

    going to see if hubby cant get them on thank for the help
  14. carman

    100 gallon tank in oklahoma

    sorry it has taken so lang for me to replie we have been out of town
  15. carman

    100 gallon tank in oklahoma

    :D :D :D rick i think it is more the operator then the comp. very electronicly chalanged
  16. carman

    2 clowns 1 anemone

    tryed to send to you cant get it done dont think it is the comp. strongly sugest it is the operator will try to get my doughter to do it when she comes over
  17. carman

    500 gal reef converted to 850gal reef

    what are you going to do with the 500 gallon ??
  18. carman

    100 gallon tank in oklahoma

    :notsure: :notsure: :notsure: our comp wont let me shrink pics so i can get pics on my husband has not stated setting it up yet hoping to sell befor he get it done
  19. carman

    Free Package to the 100th post

    heres our second post also
  20. carman

    is it safe

    bang guy thank you