Search results

  1. alibabwa_2

    Docile eels?

    I don't think you could do any eels in there but you could do an engineer goby a.k.a. convict blenny. These get big and really look like eels once they mature. They wouldn't bother fish or inverts. The only problem you might have with inverts would be them digging in the sandbed and stirring up...
  2. alibabwa_2

    Toby Puffer Experiences

    What are everyones opinions on this fish? Is it compatable with clowns, chromis, and other small fish? Please tell me your experiences with this fish and pics would be great too ***) . Thanks.
  3. alibabwa_2

    Puffers for a 75?

    What would be the best puffer for a 75 gallon FOWLR?
  4. alibabwa_2

    75 gallon with two lion species

    Anybody have any ideas for tank mates?
  5. alibabwa_2

    75 gallon with two lion species

    Thanks a lot kaye.
  6. alibabwa_2

    75 gallon with two lion species

    I love lionfish and i was wondering whether i could put an antennata lion and a zebra dwarf in a 75 gallon tank? Also any suggestions on tankmates?
  7. alibabwa_2

    Help Please!!!

    I have 50 lbs. of LR. I know i should have more and i am planning on adding more slowly. The only other things in the tank are a peppermint shrimp and a few hermits and a freinds six-line wrasse i am holding onto for him. Thanks a lot for all your help.
  8. alibabwa_2

    Help Please!!!

    The fin is disappearing. The clown is still eating well but the fin is slowly getting smaller. It looks really torn up.
  9. alibabwa_2

    Help Please!!!

    Sorry this should have been in the original post but i was a bit paniced. My ammonia is 0, nitrites are 0, nitrates are 10, and my salinity is 1.026. I did not quarantine these fish because they are the first fish in the tank. I drip acclimated them for 2 hours before introducing them. The tank...
  10. alibabwa_2

    Help Please!!!

    I recently bought a pair of percula clownfish. One of them died within the first few days and his one side fin seemed paralyzed as well as their being circle around it. The other clown appeared fine for the last week but now is showing the same symptomes. Any idea what this may be?
  11. alibabwa_2

    FOWLR water changes

    How often should i do water changes on my 75 gallon FOWLR? I have heard of people doing them weekly, biweekly,and monthly and with varying % of tank volume. Which would you recomend?
  12. alibabwa_2

    Another Stock List

    How does this sound for a 75 gallon? 4 lyretail anthias 1 percula clown 1 6-line wrasse 1 threadfin butterfly
  13. alibabwa_2

    Dwarf lionfish..I hope

    Looks like a zebra dwarf lionfish to me .
  14. alibabwa_2

    bottom dweller stocking question

    Look up the engineer goby a.k.a. convict blenny. This fish looks like an eel but without the attitude. Great fish.
  15. alibabwa_2

    75 gallon stock list

    How does this sound? 1 antennata lionfish 1 red coris wrasse 1 engineer goby
  16. alibabwa_2

    Huma Huma in a 75 gal?

    Are there any triggers that could be kept in a 75 for there entire lifetime?
  17. alibabwa_2

    Huma Huma in a 75 gal?

    Would i be able to keep a huma huma trigger in a 75 gallon tank with an engineer goby and a couple of damsels?
  18. alibabwa_2

    Hardware Store Ballast Running NO Flourescent Lights?

    Will a normal house ballast run T-12 NO flourescent bulbs if it is made to run T-12 bulbs?
  19. alibabwa_2

    Engineer Goby Opinions?

    What is everyones opinion of these fish. I think they are really cool and would like to add one to my 75 gal FOWLR but i have heard that they really move a lot of sand. I would like to hear some opinions from people who have kept them before or currently have one. Any opinions welcome.
  20. alibabwa_2

    75 gallon stock list

    How does this look. 1 convict blenny/engineer goby 1 fuzzy dwarf lion 2 GSM's 1 flame or lemonpeel angel 1 valentini puffer 1 yellow coris How is that for compatability and stock levels? Any advice is very much appreciated. Thanks