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  1. jessieandbecca

    clown worries

    he's better today....he's still in the corner but he is swimming a bit more normal....thanks for all the help
  2. jessieandbecca

    clown worries

    he is swimming vertically head's at teh top of the tank....we can't get good picture of it...when we try he start to swim normal! you relaly htink he's ok??? i am only worried because he actually replased some clowns thati had but they got sick so now i am really worried.
  3. jessieandbecca

    clown worries

    the flow of water of of the filter that he sick? he ate last night...and ate today ealier....please help
  4. jessieandbecca

    clown worries

    My clown is still acting wierd..we put him in there yesterday (see my new clown post from yesterday) well today he is in the same corner and is swimming down (withthe flow of the water) so he is constanly swimming down in on spot.....what's wrong???/ Rebecca
  5. jessieandbecca

    my new clown

    we acclimated jsut the way the store told us too...well he said the bag i looked it up online....i relly do think he is ok jsut still learning his new digs....i was jsut making sure...he's nto breathing hard or anything....he's switched to the other side of the tank now too./
  6. jessieandbecca

    my new clown

    WE got a new clown today from the local fish store...which we were very impressed with. Anyway we got aclown fish...a perc i think....he's a little darker than most clown fish i have seen...but he's beautiful jsut the same...any whoo...he's staying close to the top of the tank in the corner. is...
  7. jessieandbecca

    First Fish

    We got our first fish today, they are about ready to go in the tank...when do we start to feed them? Jessie and Rebecca