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  1. jloisahott

    Need help with my username/ Calling all admins

    Lol kOol I used to think that she was hot, but I changed my mind because she goes after too many guys. I kept this sn/username because it is formated better than any other one that I made.
  2. jloisahott

    Need help with my username/ Calling all admins

    So It wont work as jlOisAhoTti?
  3. jloisahott

    Need help with my username/ Calling all admins

    My username isn't supposed to be like this. It says jlOisAhoTt and it is supposed to be jlOisAhoTti, I must of accedently messed up when I signed up. Can someone help me correct this?
  4. jloisahott

    Few Questions

    One how did you get this many members? Two can you add a few more topic thingys? Third Can this forum also be for fresh water fish?
  5. jloisahott

    My tanks

    I have 6 tanks I have a 40 gal, two 30 gal, and three 10 gal tanks. The 40 hold two Medium size Oscars, the first thirty holds a bunch of guppies, the secound holds one Oscar and two other ciclids, the one ten has babie guppies, the other has goldfish, and the last ten is empty.