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  1. k6trouble

    The normal flow of nitrates

    Originally Posted by chuckcac +1 for earlybird.... i agree man, there is no way you can add all of the trace elements to your system that are replenished by water changes. magnesium, stronium, iodine, carbonates, Boron... etc. All of these things are replenished in the appropriate amounts when...
  2. k6trouble

    The normal flow of nitrates

    Thank you very much. I have been keeping my tank full ( up to bottom of my filter) so that the current doesn't push my fish around when they swim under it. I Need more aggetation to the water! (and probably more live rock). Thanks
  3. k6trouble

    The normal flow of nitrates

    Ok, I know that if you feed to much, have dead fish or decay in your tank, you will end up with Am->Nitri->and end result of high NITRATES. Got it. Understood.... However, with that said..... Let me tell you my current story: Started new tank ( fishless method with live rock ). Salt -> 1.024...
  4. k6trouble

    Ok guys need some help

    I bought two clowns ( both small ie under 2 inches) a week ago. Both were eating blood worms the first day, both sorta ate flake food the second day, then both third and fourth day ate frozen plankton (sp?). Day 5 and Day 6 only one clown ate, the other didn't eat anything ( however it went to...
  5. k6trouble

    New To Saltwater-> Pet Store PH advice

    ahhh,, water changes is whats causing the problem (arg... I didn't even think of that!). I remembered my PH being fine for a while and then it starting going crazy here lately ( because I've been learning to use a siphon to clean the bottom and its not working very well with sand.LOL ) So by the...
  6. k6trouble

    Adding Percula Clowns to Tank

    sorry, whats not a good idea? Having clown fish in general? Having multiple clowns in the same tank? or trying to get a group of clowns to breed in one tank?
  7. k6trouble

    Adding Percula Clowns to Tank

    One pair or one mated pair? I keep reading something similar to the following: Group of 5 clowns, all non-gender in a tank. One clown grows larger and turns into a female, One clown grows bigger but not as big as the female, and becomes male. All other clowns stay non-gender until something...
  8. k6trouble

    Adding Percula Clowns to Tank

    Should I add all of my Percula Clowns to my tank at once? Should you add them in pairs? Can I add other clowns that are not Percula? Just wondering what methods have been tried and which ones worked. Thanks in advance.
  9. k6trouble

    New To Saltwater-> Pet Store PH advice

    I posted in the clown forum because after the tank is stable I am wanting to add a couple of clown fish (and possibly sell the dansils back to the pet store if they don't get along). Thanks again.
  10. k6trouble

    New To Saltwater-> Pet Store PH advice

    Hello, Stats: -I'm new to saltwater ( working with freshwater for last 20 years ) -Currently have 29 gal. tank that has just cycled, 0 Am, 0 Nitrites, Nitrates (10-15) -Two Blue and yellow tail dansils with the tank to themselves. -8lbs of live rock. -will probably stay a fish only tank for...