Search results

  1. ibsriv

    Disaster adding fish

    What's LFS? Hot883: There may be some truth to what you say. A 5 stripe wrasse and a goby have done OK. Fishiness: I usually float the bags for a while and then slowly dump out bag water and add tank water over that period. Next time I will try the drip method. Do you just use a piece of air...
  2. ibsriv

    Disaster adding fish

    :help: :help: I have a 72 gal fish only tank that has been going for almost a year. I have numerous fish (yellow tang, tasseled filefish, percula & tomato clowns, coral beauty, puffer, etc). These fish have been in the tank for the entire time and are growing & doing well. Water quality is...
  3. ibsriv

    Skimmer for 24 Gal Nano Cube?

    Hi, all. Does anyone know of a skimmer that can be easily used with a 24 gal Nano Cube? I bought a Red Sea Prizm because of it's smaller size, but cannot use it on my Cube without hacking up the hood -- a prospect I don't even want to think about. Anything that will fit inside the filter...