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  1. dr5271

    Need Help Fast! My Salefin Tang May Be Dying!

    5 min ago i switched the fuval 405 and hooked it on the back of my QT, i put the good skimmer from the QT onto the existing tank and it is now running on two skimmers/live rock/ sand which should hold for a little while until i get a small filtration system for the QT. will this be an ok remedy...
  2. dr5271

    Need Help Fast! My Salefin Tang May Be Dying!

    Welcome to the boards! First, that is a large fish to put into a ten gallon tank with no biological filtration. You are doing more harm than good to this guy at the moment. The skimmer would not prevent an ammonia spike. Biological filtration prevents an ammonia spike. Biological bacteria is...
  3. dr5271

    Need Help Fast! My Salefin Tang May Be Dying!

    Alright so it all started about a week ago when i noticed my sale fin tang had noticeable signs of ick. i thought i had it under control, i put the three incher in a 10 gal quarantine tank with an air stone, heater and a dark jar to hide in... i did not have any other form of filtration, so i...
  4. dr5271

    help! My sailfin tang's eye!

    i came home today and noticed that on the right side of my sailfin tang, his eye seems to be foggy, or scratched, it kinda looks like popeye, its not as poped out as i have seen other fish effected by this. it almost looks like he scratched his eye on rock or something and now its foggy and...
  5. dr5271

    Help! My Haitian Anemone!!!

    THANK YOU! he's not "melting", he never looked like he was that bad, or detereorating... he just had a DRASTIC size change. he looked great when i bought him, and kept up this pristene image for about 6 months, then he shrunk up (usually used to do this after i had fed him a couple of days...
  6. dr5271

    Help! My Haitian Anemone!!!

    thanks for all the input (i know its all constructive criticism) :) i know the sale fin is going to out grow the tank, and i'm not planning on keeping him forever, (we got a really good price on him, couldn't pass it up (free) ok, i wont move the anemone anymore... and i think i will start doing...
  7. dr5271

    Help! My Haitian Anemone!!!

    ok so for about a month or two now my haitian anemone has not been doing so well. when i put him in my tank about... 6-8 months ago he was beautiful! big, and stretching very far! i had been feeding it about 1-2 times a week, just peices of shrimp i bought from the saltwater fish food packages...