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  1. jwadet1

    suspected Brooklynella

    If a fish has suspected Brooklynella and dies how does this effect the other fish in the QT and the tank environment itself? Will Brook remain in the tank and possibly infect other fish? What treatments and precautions should be taken to avoid another occurence and insure that the Brook is gone...
  2. jwadet1

    Damsel with Lymphocystis

    Thanks 92ProTruck, it makes me feel better to know that this is not so unusual and maybe he will survive and the fin will gorw back. Also thanks for the info on Zoe/Zoecon, I'll get some. Wade
  3. jwadet1

    Damsel with Lymphocystis

    I have a Damsel that has all the symtoms/signs of Limp. It has been noticable for about a week and a half now. He is in hypo for Ich now for over three weeks and seems to be doing well. The Limp is appearing to fall off in some areas where it first occured, Dorsal fin. Not only did it fall off...
  4. jwadet1

    ICH and Hyposalinity

    Hi lefty, the spots do seem to be clumping and raised off the surface of the fins. Cauliflower appearance fits too, sort of irregular surface like clumping spots/growths to form the rough surface of white areas. I noticed another area on one of his pelvic fins today. Same appearance. The Water...
  5. jwadet1

    ICH and Hyposalinity

    Hello Lefty, Thanks for the reply. I do not have a picture yet but I can describe the condition a little more. The spots, now 4-5, are about the size of pencil lead in diameter exept for the one on his pectoral fin which is about pinhead in diameter. They are bright white in color and appear to...
  6. jwadet1

    ICH and Hyposalinity

    HELLO, Where is everyone? Can anyone help with this Hypo/Ich problem? If it is not Ich, what could it be? Maybe Lymphocistos? Any help is appreciated, Wade
  7. jwadet1

    ICH and Hyposalinity

    Sorry Beth, On my last post I referanced the white spot stage as theronts. I meant Trophonts I think as I am getting a little confused with all this. Thanks,Wade
  8. jwadet1

    ICH and Hyposalinity

    Hello Beth, Thanks for the welcome. I have read alot of your post's and you seem to have much expertise,hope you can help me out. I use a refractometer and lab grade hydrometer calibrated at 78 degrees F. The range in salinity that I have been using to control Hypo treatment is 12ppt-14ppt...
  9. jwadet1

    ICH and Hyposalinity

    Hello All, I need some help (advice,guidence,experiences) on an Ich situation being treated with Hyposalinity. I have two fish in QT, a Black Tail Damsel and an Ocellaris Clown, that exibit symptoms of the desease. The Damsel was flicking/scratching against substrates,eating but no spots and the...