Search results

  1. girlina4x4

    Lawnmower Blenny & Algae Control

    Haha, I noticed the same thing when I first got my LMB. The hair algea was gone practically overnight, but then there were little green poops on the sand! I just improved my clean up crew and I didn't notice it again.
  2. girlina4x4

    Green Marine Algae Sheets

    I alway make sure there is a piece in there for my tang and the late lawnmower blenny. Think of an index card, cut it in half, and thats the size of the sheet I use.
  3. girlina4x4


    Well, you would want to do the standard test for ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, and pH. If this is a reef system, then you would want to test for just about everything else (calcium, phosphate/phosphorous, magnesium, etc.) Im no expert on reef systems, so maybe someone with more experience with that...
  4. girlina4x4

    Fox Face Eating Snails??

    It is probably the hermit(s). Out of the ~10 hermits I have added, one survived by killing the rest of them, 8 snails, a lawnmower blenny, and half of a firefish. My LFS told me that when they are small, they are a cleanup crew, but if they get too big, they will go after the live creatures in...
  5. girlina4x4


    Reef crystals is a good brand. I currently use Oceanic for my FOWLR. I've never used Instant Ocean, but from what I've read on here, you need to add supplements to it for a reef system. And as with any salt, test it once you have mixed it with water (before going in the tank) in case you have...
  6. girlina4x4

    hi performence car sites

    Originally Posted by socal57che Hey Jeremy, how do you like the Zex system on the BMW? I've been considering adding it to my wife's Z3 with the M52 engine. In your opinion, should I do an injector and software upgrade at the same time or will the factory injectors keep up? This is Emily now...
  7. girlina4x4

    hi performence car sites

    Rotarymagic, and all other curious souls- the cars that you saw in the pictures, are a few of the ones that we have had lately... the wagon is one of those awesome deals you get every once in a while... the red 318 was one of our other turbo projects, ran a 14.2 on street gas and a set of donuts...
  8. girlina4x4

    hi performence car sites

    And DrTITO, would you still like me to ask my bf? It sounds like these guys know what they are talking about!
  9. girlina4x4

    hi performence car sites

    Originally Posted by Rotarymagic Girlina... also how quick was his BMW? that's pretty funny to hear as aftermarket support is pretty slim for them and VERY expensive for what you do get. Ummm idk how fast, I just say as Im told, lol. He's sleeping right now or else I would ask. Here is the...
  10. girlina4x4

    FW Dutch Style Aquariums

    Has anyone ever seen/had one? I would really like to do that with the 29 gallon Im working on. Here is a link describing it, if you havent heard of it: http://www.XXXXX I am sorry but that link has links to competition of SWF. Out of respect for them you cannot post that. What are some good...
  11. girlina4x4


    The ***** right by my house is actually decent. Ive bought 2 false percs and a LMB for my work tank, and another LMB for home. All turned out very healthy, awesome fish. They did have a snowflake eel in one of those tiny little critter keepers that I wouldnt even keep a snail in, but someone...
  12. girlina4x4

    hi performence car sites

    I dunno of any car sites similar to this one...but what seems to be the problem? I'll ask my bf. He built the fastest bmw in the panhandle, and really knows his stuff about high performance cars
  13. girlina4x4

    Please ID this hitchhiker

    +1 and its the fastest snail Ive ever to watch!
  14. girlina4x4

    a couple of ID's please

    1st and 2nd pic looks like a tunicate 3rd pic MIGHT be a stomatella snail If im right, both are beneficial
  15. girlina4x4

    Girlina4x4's tank STAND build!

    Haha thanks guys! Im a pretty hands on person, so Im very excited about this build! About the 2x4 measurements, I didn't take into account the "actual" length x width. I think I gave myself enough wiggle room, but I have to recut wood anyways so I might just add an extra inch to everything to be...
  16. girlina4x4


    Im looking into the 14 g cube and I found a site where they sell the protein skimmer made just for cubes for $34
  17. girlina4x4

    lost my first inhabitants

    Ah, that stinks! Same thing happened to me , but I caught it at 92 degrees. It could have been old age (of the heater) or some other freak accident. You can try looking at my handle history to see the thread, quite a few people chimed in. Its titled "EMERGENCY!!"
  18. girlina4x4

    Girlina4x4's tank STAND build!

    Okee dokie, here are my materials and my beautiful sketches. Umm, I didn't have a ruler.... Feel free to correct my math, sorry if its confusing!
  19. girlina4x4

    Girlina4x4's tank STAND build!

    Originally Posted by joebob7 darn i was all ready for some one to make a 4foot X 4 fooot tank. But this does sound like a fun project Haha, I wish! Maybe one day!