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  1. jdamron

    Yellow Polyps dying

    Thanks everyone for the ideas. I went ahead and moved them as high as I could (about 8 inches under the water surface). I will see if that helps. If these continue to die I will just try something different next time. I really liked the yellow because so much of what I have now is a tan color or...
  2. jdamron

    Yellow Polyps dying

    Quote: Originally Posted by rickross23 How big is the tank? The tank is 48 inches long by 18 inches wide by 24 inches deep. It is 90 gallons. Where the Yellow Polyps are now is about 12 inches deep. I think I can move them to a spot that is about 8 inches deep.
  3. jdamron

    Yellow Polyps dying

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer Where are they in the tank? I can't see them in the full tank can try placing them as high as possible They are about half way down from the water line to the sand. I have inserted an image here that highlights where they are. I will try to move...
  4. jdamron

    Yellow Polyps dying

    Quote: Originally Posted by rickross23 You need more watts and better lighting. Do toy have t5, vho, what? The two 10,000°K 65W and two Actinic 65W bulbs I have are Coralife Compact Fluorescent. I was afraid it might be a light issue. I guess I was thinking since I have other corals doing fine...
  5. jdamron

    Yellow Polyps dying

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer They actually need medium light and medium flow what lighting do you have? and what flow on them? I have two 10,000°K 65W and two Actinic 65W for a total of 260 watts over 90 gal tank. As far as flow, I have roughly 700 gph through the return from the sump...
  6. jdamron

    Yellow Polyps dying

    I received a really nice colony of about 30 healthy looking Yellow Polyps from a few weeks ago. And since then they are slowing dying. My understanding is that these Zoanthids do not need high light requirements or special needs but it looks like I am loosing them. The heads...
  7. jdamron

    cleaner clams eaten by emerald crabs

    Thanks for the feedback -- I was worried something was wrong with my system but it sounds like cleaner clams just do not last.
  8. jdamron

    cleaner clams eaten by emerald crabs

    A few weeks ago I purchased the 30-90 Gallon Reef Package from and with the exception of the two cleaner clams everything else is doing really great as far as I can tell. Over the first several days I noticed the two cleaner clams would bury themselves in the sand and then work...