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  1. aanthony

    Green Mandarins

    nevermind, i read up and realized you guys answered my question.
  2. aanthony

    Green Mandarins

    hey, i have a question, since you were on the question of copepods. about 5 months ago i did something which basically killed off my tank. i put something in the tank which deprived it of oxygen, long story short ALOT of things died, so im not sure if my 85 lbs of rock even has copepods. does...
  3. aanthony

    My new coral Frag tank arrived!

    you have more equipment in your frag tank than i do in my display tank.
  4. aanthony

    the best algae eater ever!

    not sure if you know much about abalone, but i saw one of those asain supermarkets selling like abalone for like 4 dollars, but then my lfs were selling them for like $30, do you think the asain market ones would be good? btw, dont cook him, abalone kinda sucks
  5. aanthony

    ich problems

    one other thing i was wondering, in my 10gallon qt tank i have 3 fish, all quite small, and i just have a spare peice of lr in there, along with some caves etc... and i also have a heater, is that enough, or do i need a filter, i also have a little air pump bubbler thing, would that be ok to put...
  6. aanthony

    ich problems

    i have about 90 lbs live rock, and last time i moved it i lost two shrimp due to stress. and i have about 60 lbs sand, and im planning to get these fish out asap. but do you think these 4 fish are in trouble if i put them in a new tank but with my old water, and without gravel or sand?
  7. aanthony

    ich problems

    ok. so my tank has ich, i can see the spots on my flame angel, now i have a quarantine tank, however it is not set up, meaning it has not cycled, i have no gravel or sand to put in it, could this be a problem, and from what ive read i should have the salintiy gravity at 1.09, so i figure ill...
  8. aanthony

    favorite fish

    for me its basically every fish on this page
  9. aanthony

    favorite fish

    ok, so i am going to be adding a few more fish to my tank, but have no clue which ones, right now i just have a flame angel and some clowns, but im curious to see what kind of fish people have, so this is a fish photography thread. post pics of your fish, or just your favorite ones.
  10. aanthony

    shrimp with others?

    i had a blood shrimp, cleaner shrimp and a coral banded shrimp all together, and there were no problems at all. these shrimp have died, (long story) but i just recently added a blood shrimp and an arrow crab, and the arrow killed the shrimp within 3 hours there goes $25
  11. aanthony

    emerald crab eating fish!

    yeah, im pretyty sure it was the arrow, i have one, and within 3 hours he ate my new blood shrimp.
  12. aanthony

    ICk, what to do

    yes i have a quarentine tank so if it hits the fan then ill put them in there, by the way thank you for being the only one to respond
  13. aanthony

    ICk, what to do

    ok, so on friday i bought a little valentini puffer, and i put him in my display tank (stupidly), anyways he was doing fine, yesterday morning however it seemed like he had ick, he had a few white specs on his body, so this morning i took him out, i gave him a freshwater dip and the specks seem...
  14. aanthony

    What shrimp compatible with Valentini puffer?

    not sure if anybody is looking at this thread anymore, but i had a valentini with 3 cleaner shrimp and a whole bunch of snails and hermits, and he never even came close to them. then again i might just be lucky
  15. aanthony

    My Blue Ribbon Eel eats! (pics and videos)

    thats crazy, have the eels killed any inverts
  16. aanthony

    looking for pictures w/different types of lighting/reefs

    you grew all those corals with blue coloured lighting? everybody i have talked to has told me not to. there is an upside and a downside to it, the upside is it looks cool, but i find the downside is that it dosent really show the coral colours.
  17. aanthony

    what corals can i have

    so basically the corals were doing fine, zoanthids were spreading, toadstool opened up and standing tall, than after i did the vodka dose everything died due to lack of oxygen
  18. aanthony

    what corals can i have

    the tank crashed due to lack of oxygen, i had added vodka to the tank to reduce nitrates, this did work but starved the tank of its oxygen, whatever, you live and learn.
  19. aanthony

    what corals can i have

    haha, yeah, but its just, i can go to my fish store and spend $75 on livestock like its nothing, but for me to spend 120 on lights, i dano, maybe because i dont notice the lights, but i do notice the fish and shrimp and stuff. and my tank looked so good with that toadstool.
  20. aanthony

    what corals can i have

    any other stories of people supporting corals with simillar lighting, come on people i know your out there.