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  1. dsemmons

    possible new fish?

    I love my longnose hawkfish he's photogenic!
  2. dsemmons

    Invasion From tiny terroist!!

    Wow There are lots of thing to collect while snorkling besides coral! I have a cool Pipe fish i brought home.
  3. dsemmons

    Invasion From tiny terroist!!

    I have been invaded by tiny little terrorist, its propably my fault i live in florida snorkle and bring thigs back to my tank. I am sending a pic so you can see the little #$%&*#$'s please help!
  4. dsemmons

    how do u catch tropical fish yourself??

    Originally Posted by mikeyman356 Is there anyway for an average person who doesnt have a company to collect these fish?? How do they collect fish?? I know u need a license, but is that it?? Where do u get this license from?? Fill me in on anything else im missing?? Just a very Curious Question...