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  1. warden

    Question about rock

    I need to add more rock to my 90gal tank. I have 70lb of live rock and 40lbs of dry/dead honeycomb and lace rock. I need to put more rock in the back of my fock formation, but can't afford live rock right now. Is there a better kind of dry/dead rock to use?
  2. warden

    Question about wet/dry filter w/protein skimmer

    It is a Pro 150 Series Wet/Dry made by Pro Clear Aquatics Systems. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  3. warden

    Question about wet/dry filter w/protein skimmer

    I am setting up a wet/dry filter with a built in protein skimmer on a 90gal tank. The instruction say to put the skimmer box just below the water surface. Does that mean the bottom of the slits just below the water? I am having trouble getting the water levels constant. Any suggestions? :notsure:
  4. warden

    what type of filter for a 90 gal

    I just received a new 90gal tank for X-mas from my hubby. It has a beautiful stand and canopy. I currently have a 10g & 20g which I will tranfer sand, rock and fish to. What type of filter would be best for this size tank? I have a few fish and shrooms and a cabbage coral. I would like have...
  5. warden

    Immortal, Killer Crab

    I had a crab that needed to be removed and for 6 weeks I couldn't catch him. I used all of the techniques suggested. Finally I took the piece of live rock out and put it in freshwater for about 20 seconds and shook the rock. He came flying out. The live rock came thru unharmed and nothing...
  6. warden

    High Calcium & High Alk Readings

    Tizzo, I am using reef crystals by the company that makes Instant Ocean. I do not add any buffers. The test kits are made by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals. When I first started to test (back in April) the results were much lower. The Alk was 11dKH and the Calcium was around 400. Maybe the tests kits...
  7. warden

    High Calcium & High Alk Readings

    This is my first time doing this, so be kind please. I have 2 small saltwater tanks. First one is a 20g. There are 23 lbs of rock(13 lbs live), 20 lbs live sand, 2 small percula clowns, blue devil damsel, 2 turbo snails, and 3 small hermit reef crabs. The second is a 10g. There are 11 lbs of...