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  1. g-force

    Freshwater and marine fish swimming together!

    Anyone heard of GEX magical water?
  2. g-force

    G-force's fish tank 2010

    Originally Posted by jellysaurus this is the music fish listen to in the ocean. LOL...maybe Apple will come up with waterproof ipod someday...
  3. g-force

    G-force's fish tank 2010

    Originally Posted by jamesvishiou Cool tank. i like that. "coral bones." just to let you know, im not makin fun. I've never seen so many saltwater fish in one tank unless i was at the Aquarium or Zoo. Thanks James
  4. g-force

    G-force's fish tank 2010

    LOL. Apple may come up with waterproof ipod someday....
  5. g-force

    G-force's fish tank 2010

    Thanks James.
  6. g-force

    G-force's fish tank 2010

    Thanks Spanko, this is a 120gallon tank (30 gallon sump). To give it a natural look, I added a few live rocks and coral bones. I am currentky using Atman MG600....want to switch to LED.....any recommendation? Skimmer wise, it is a BM150 with AB2000i. It may not be the best skimmer out there, but...
  7. g-force

    G-force's fish tank 2010
  8. g-force

    Stupid question.

    Thanks for sharing folks. Interesting to know.
  9. g-force

    Stupid question.

    How long do you think you can keep a fish alive before being considered successful?
  10. g-force

    My Multibarred Angelfish

    Thanks AquaKnight. Sorry about your little angel. Hope this clip can cheer you up. I just took it today....
  11. g-force

    My Multibarred Angelfish

    Yes, I will move him to my display tank eventually but I need to fatten him up first.
  12. g-force

    My Multibarred Angelfish

    I heard some success storys before but never seen this fish eat in front of my eyes.....until now.
  13. g-force

    How to bring the color back?

    Originally Posted by AquaKnight Whoops... I guess on the bright side, someone did read the whole thing Here you go.
  14. g-force

    How to bring the color back?

    Originally Posted by spanko Queen angelfish change color as they age and here are some pictures to compare yours to. Thanks for the link. The queen was 4.5" to 5" from head to tail, so it definately was not a juvenelle when I first bought...
  15. g-force

    How to bring the color back?

    I tried the Angel Formula. It seems the sponges are keeping the fish healthy and active but color loss is still happening.
  16. g-force

    How to bring the color back?

    Folks, I have been keeping my queen angelfish for years now and I tried the best I could to keep the blue color. I won't say it is completely yellow, but she is not as blue as she once was. I tried to feed her with Ocean Nutrition Spirulina Formula and Cyclop-eeze once a week. There are small...
  17. g-force

    My FOT from Regal to Passer

    I don't put algae sheet daily, but I do feed them with Ocean Nutriton Formula One and Two on a daily basis and Angel Formula on a weekly basis. I did spend weeks to separate them at the beginning. They got used to seeing each other now. Once the bully factor is gone, they can live happily in the...
  18. g-force

    My FOT from Regal to Passer

    Hi Spanko, I wish to get a bigger fish tank, but my wife just won't allow me... Seems to me that some fish grow really slowly. It could be because of the environment, but the blue tang is the exception. Equipment wise, I have BM150 Skimmer, Teco TR20 Chiller, Coralife 18W UV, Atman MT600.
  19. g-force

    My FOT from Regal to Passer

    Why just keep one angel in a tank? My 4 year old tank.
  20. g-force

    What is happening to my blue angel?

    Originally Posted by mboswell1982 gforce, im no expert by any way shape or means, but, it looks to me like his adult coloring is coming in, if you look at the pic of the adult, and then at the spot you circled, it looks an awful lot like his adult coloring, doesnt it? Thanks!