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  1. giraffemaster

    Starting over

    Thank you. Maybe a two part manually at first if needed? And just let the ATO do it's job,is that a possibility ? The tubing from the RO/DI unit is T'd. One side goes to a 150 gallon horse trough in the garage and the other side goes to a reservoir for the top off unit. The reservoir is a salt...
  2. giraffemaster

    Starting over

    My dad ran them together for years. Not sure how it would be a problem. My philosophy is go with what you know. I know my dad grew some big ass corals with that calc reactor and top off unit. Seems to be working perfectly so far. To each their own =]
  3. giraffemaster

    Starting over

    The calcium reactor is hooked up to an auto top off Tunze unit. I needed to hook it up eventually so I figured I might as well do it now and have it top off the tank
  4. giraffemaster

    Starting over

    Turning on the calcium reactor even though the impeller melted. I have one being delivered soon. I spilled the pH 12 solution and luckily the dogs were in the back room. So ready to have fish again !
  5. giraffemaster

    Dead Clown :(

    I agree with Bang. My goldstripe maroons from college are at least 10 years old now. The male will be fine without the female. If you add a smaller juvenile clown the male will change gender to a female and you will have a pair again. The smaller the better when it comes to pairing them.
  6. giraffemaster

    Starting over

    Just running the metal halides until I figure out some form of design to add the 640 watts of VHO I have. The metal halides are dual ended HQI's with electronic ballasts. 250 watts each.
  7. giraffemaster

    Starting over

    Hard to get a good picture with the matel halide but you can see most of the equipment. Still need to figure out a better place for the ballasts and electrical.
  8. giraffemaster

    Starting over

    My dad gave me all his reef stuff because he is getting to old to care for it. This is the impeller from the calcium reactor he ran for years. It is literally melted.
  9. giraffemaster

    Starting over

    Four months. Where has the time gone ? I got the tank going finally. Last step is getting my old stuff from my ex wifes house. So close !
  10. giraffemaster

    Starting over

  11. giraffemaster

    Starting over

    Almost done with the craptastic divorce. Looking forward to getting my 10 year old clownfish back and being in this awesome hobby again. The stand is 2X4 with Oak on the outside to make it look nice. I rounded over or camphered the edges to make it look nice. I also did a design on all the...
  12. giraffemaster

    MY Clowns laid eggs!!!!!

    Well if they eat them there won't be any color to them at all. They should be an orange color. If they ate them it might because they are frightened. This is an instinct to retain the nutrients they expended to lay them before a predator can eat them. If you stay away from the tank until...
  13. giraffemaster

    Pairing Clown Fish

    I have done this two times. The trick is to get a juvenile that is much smaller than the clown you have. The smaller the better. Both times I did it there wasn't any fighting, it was instant submission and acceptance from the female.
  14. giraffemaster

    clownfish batting with tails

    She is just telling him she likes him. My mated pair of maroons does this all the time.
  15. giraffemaster

    Another Lighting Question for Anemones

    Originally Posted by Goblin I know MH is the best. But cost, room (tank clearance), heat, and energy are the reasons I don't want to go that route on this tank which is a 55 gallon 48X13X20 by the way. So here is the set up I'm looking at: Qty Description 2 46 1/2 - 110 watt - VHO URI...
  16. giraffemaster

    anyone kept their anemone for over a year???

    I've had my anemone(or one of the clones) for 5 or 6 years I can't really remember when I got it. My father gave it to me because he got tired of it killing his coral. I have always used VHO lighting. It started in a 55 gallon with 440 watts of lighting(my father's tank). Then I kept it in a...
  17. giraffemaster

    Pairing up

    Those look nice. If they are mature/happy enough they will start to breed. Mine lay eggs fairly often after having them for a few years.
  18. giraffemaster

    More than two Maroon Clown Fish

    I agree with Grog. That would be a death sentence for at least 2 of the clowns.
  19. giraffemaster

    pair 2 maroon's

    She beat the crap out of him for 2 days, then just chased for a few more, then she decided she liked him.
  20. giraffemaster

    pair 2 maroon's

    That's what I did with mine, they fought a little but they are very happy now.