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  1. lobstergrabber

    CLS plumbing opinions please

    Thank you very much for the baby comment. We are quite proud of her. Went through the trenches getting her and she is our pride and joy. Looks like you have a cute little boy you are most certainly quite proud of as well. Thanks for the link. I was wondering how his flow was actually going to...
  2. lobstergrabber

    CLS plumbing opinions please

    Saltnoob, did you get your cls up and running. Was wondering how your manifold turned out and if what you expected. Also what kind of strainer did you put on the drain from the tank. Was thinking about redoing my closed loop so I could move the drain and make it larger. Rich
  3. lobstergrabber

    Help me set up my 90g SPS tank

    A closed loop is a water pump system that takes water directly out of tank and then directly back in without ever leaving the pipe work. So no overflow is involved. If you added this to the sump set up with the mag pump pushing your overflow and sump then you would be in good shape. The tunze...
  4. lobstergrabber

    Coraline Alge????

    the hard purple and lavender is more than likely corraline and a good thing. Rich
  5. lobstergrabber

    Coral Id

    Someone else mentioned it might be blue ridge. I found some pics that it resembled and a lot that it did not.
  6. lobstergrabber

    Coraline Alge????

    The algae you have there looks to me to be cyano algae which is actually bacteriological. Is is slimy and can it be sucked up from the rocks? If so then this is hat you have. Do a search on red slime and you will find a ton of others with the same problems. Potential causes are high nutrients...
  7. lobstergrabber

    Coral Id

    I thought it might be some sort of montipora but I have done some major digging for different monti species and have not even come close to finding one similar. Seems like all the monti's have very small polyps and these extend quite a bit.
  8. lobstergrabber

    Coral Id

    I bought this coral several months back. It was actually attached to a candy cane frag I wanted. It has grown very well but I have no idea what it is and was hoping someone could id it for me. It is very hard and smooth when polyps are retracted and as you can see has very long polyps for...
  9. lobstergrabber

    CLS plumbing opinions please

    I meant to make sure you drill the holes for bulkheads matching the pipe sizes on the pump to get max flow. I think my pump has a 2" but The intake from the tank is only like 1 and a quarter so that restricts my flow greatly. Not trying to sound opinionated just trying to help you not make my...
  10. lobstergrabber

    CLS plumbing opinions please

    Maybe, but I would think that only true if you line out of the tank is the same size or bigger than the intake on the pump itself. I think that is also one of my problems and wish mine was set up differently. Rich
  11. lobstergrabber

    CLS plumbing opinions please

    The manifold will keep pressure up but it will add to the head pressusre reducing the flow of the pump. So 3600 might end up being like 2000 GPH +/-. Then when deviding the flow between the outlets you may or may not end up with a flow from each that you like. I think this is why mine does...
  12. lobstergrabber

    CLS plumbing opinions please

    Well I am no pvc pro but I would thing to have that many outlets you would have to have a massive pump to have any sort of flow rate out of each head. With head loss and all the turns in the pipe I just don't know how much you could expect. My closed loop has a 1.25 outlet and two 3/4" inlets...
  13. lobstergrabber

    de hqi bulb choice

    I love my phoenix 14k's. They have a wonderful color. I also run 2 110w vho super actinics with them. I was running ushio 10ks before I got these and was amazed at the difference. Have had very good growth with them as well. Rich
  14. lobstergrabber

    Georgia Aquarium ??

    Very awesome experience. We drove from the destin area(about 6 hours) and would love to go back. Do the behind the scenes tour of the reef exhibit. It was expensive compared to the entry fee but very interesting and I would still be mad about it if I had not done it. On that tour you also get...
  15. lobstergrabber

    metal halide diy

    The single ended bulbs outer glass is uv resistant glass so no uv shield needed on them. The hqi's are the ones that require the shield. Rich
  16. lobstergrabber

    Trusted Tests

    You are a little high but no issue imo. A 4 alk is an 11.2 dKH so there is a variance in your testing or methods. I think most people advise the salifert kits. I recently purchased the alk and cal and the first time I used them I know why people like them. They are easy enough to use but...
  17. lobstergrabber

    Coraline Help

    Something else you might want to try is to buy one or two pieces of live rock that have a large portion covered by corraline. You need something to seed the tank and I don't see a whole lot if any on your rocks either. Just an idea. Rich
  18. lobstergrabber

    Skimmer on an Aquapod? or.. detritus solution?

    Also interested in the skimmer question. I am thinking of recommending one of these to a friend but am leary of having a tank with no skimmer. Rich
  19. lobstergrabber

    12-pak...the hard way...

    Very impressive NM. You have come a long way from the original tank. I hope my sps fills in half as well. Rich
  20. lobstergrabber

    HQI vs Mogul

    WHy no lids on the tank?