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  1. blkhawk10

    Polyp Extension

    I'am wondering why the polyps on my 2 monti's don't come out during the day, but they come out at night? I have a green birdsnest and the polyps are fully extended all the time.
  2. blkhawk10

    How long

    I'm bumping up the time my metal halides are on from 7 to 9 or 10 hours a day. How often should I add time, I heard a half hour a week is this about right?
  3. blkhawk10

    Water change for survival

    The scallop was in my sump. I dont believe it was the scallop though, I witnessed what looked like a type of pyramid snail comming out of the inside of one of my acans. So far I have pulled about five off my colonies.
  4. blkhawk10

    Water change for survival

    I found a couple of my acans skeletons showing the other day. I think I found the culprit, the scallop I have been wanting to get rid of for a while finally died. I did a nice sized water change yesterday, what I wanted to know was my usual day to do water changes is Monday. Should I still do...
  5. blkhawk10

    I'm in Algae Purgatory, HELP!!!!

    That's not hair algae? I have the same green stuff on a rock in my fuge that I got from a friend and his tank is infested with hair algae.
  6. blkhawk10

    More calcium = more coral growth

    NO it's not, I had a phoenix 14k before my radium and had a lot better growth. I just wanted to try the radium and see what the fuss was about, but the colors a little too blue and the growth isn't all that.
  7. blkhawk10

    More calcium = more coral growth

    I'm going to go back to phoenix 14k for my next bulb, not only did I get more growth I liked the color better.
  8. blkhawk10

    More calcium = more coral growth

    My lighting is a 150 watt radium 20k with a a 65 watt sunpaq 420 nm actinic. Last time I checked my water the alkalinity was 11.
  9. blkhawk10

    More calcium = more coral growth

    I was wondering is this would be considered a true statement? My calcium right now is at 400, so I was going to raise it up and hope to see some more coral growth. Am I opening Pandora's box by doing this and adverse side effects?
  10. blkhawk10

    Flame Angel reef safe?

    It's 50/50 I watched my friends nip his duncan, and frogspawn infront of me last week. Now it has a nice home at our LFS.
  11. blkhawk10

    Flickering bulb

    Damn, I wish I would've heard that before I asked for it for Christmas. I should've stuck with the Phoenix 14k.
  12. blkhawk10

    Flickering bulb

    DE, I Took it out and put it back in earlier, turned it on it flickered for a bit and went out. I was thinking maybe the ballast, but I've only had it for a year and a couple months.
  13. blkhawk10

    Flickering bulb

    My 150 watt radium 20k hqi bulb that I got for christmas keeps flickering and going out. Can anyone tell me what the problem may be?
  14. blkhawk10

    red hair algae

    I looked at the chemi clean and it looks like it's for cyano.
  15. blkhawk10

    red hair algae

    I was wondering if my old bulbs caused the breakout and u confirmed that. I have noticed the snails doing a decent job so far, along with the new bulbs I got. I've been scrapping coralline off the glass to get it to spread and the refuge is working out very well. I have noticed a little...
  16. blkhawk10

    red hair algae

    I don't have a local place to get a sea hare so thats a no go, plus I don't wanna have the risk. The blenny is a no go too because I have a midas in my tank. I added 3 big mexican turbos to see if they help and to 10% water changes weekly. I addd a fuge too to take away some of the nutrients...
  17. blkhawk10

    red hair algae

    My only question is how to get rid of it, I tried to scrape it off the rock with no success at all, its in there like roots of a tree.
  18. blkhawk10

    Calcium vs. Kalkwasser

    Yea I hear ya. The only reason i'm supplementing calcium is cause I switched to IO for my salt and has less calcium than Red Sea so I'm making up the extra.
  19. blkhawk10

    Calcium vs. Kalkwasser

    Nice, lots of info just what I wanted. I think im gonna stick with calcium as my pH is steady at 8.2.
  20. blkhawk10

    Calcium vs. Kalkwasser

    What does dripping mean, I put it on a spoon and in my fuge. Would that be the same thing?