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  1. skate020

    Adding new stock now that I'm upgrading to a 240 gal

    i have a zebra eel who is out all the time! he's always got his head out the rocks and has a swim around 4-5 times a day
  2. skate020

    my 130G :)

    yeh, there hasnt been any aggression in the tank at all quite supprising! Theres a beautiful starry puffer at my LFS and im thinking of getting it, i've asked the guys there to put it in the same tank as their volitans and if he nips at it i wont get it but if it doesn then i may, i wont...
  3. skate020

    my 130G :)

    here are a few more, sorry if some of this doesnt make sense, ive put them in about five times and only works occasionally!
  4. skate020

    my 130G :)

    there are alot of my eel!
  5. skate020

    my 130G :)

  6. skate020

    my 130G :)

  7. skate020

    my 130G :)

    sorry guys, just trying to figure out how to upload the pictures without them coming out as a url
  8. skate020

    my 130G :)

    Quote: Originally Posted by mrdc I love that hippo pic against the blue background. me too! its not a blue background any more tho, more greeny/purple lol pictures are just uploading onto photobucket so i'll add them once there done
  9. skate020

    my 130G :)

    hi guys, im really sorry i havent been on this in a while, work and stuff has got into my way. but yeh i have taken into account the size of the emperrors and things with the swiming space. i have now gotten rid of it!, he had fully changed and got to about 8-9" long! Grew very quick and i...
  10. skate020

    my 130G :)

    just the pictures, is it the one with the moray? its clear, theres abit of a green tint because my lights are too strong for a FOWLR, so i may trade them in for some LED's, a LFS has them in there tanks and the fish look INCREDIBLE, and the algae growth is minimum, and they say they clean the...
  11. skate020

    my 130G :)

    Helloo, i've got a 130g wich i've had for about 6 months up and running. i love it! my current stocklist atm is: 1x volitans lion 1x zebra moray eel 1x emperror angel 1x niger trigger 1x hippo tang 1x anthias i want to add another member to the club in the next month or so, anyone have any...
  12. skate020

    Frondosa wont eat!

    i sold him :/ he was gettin thin and wasnt eating with me, so i sold him to someone with a little more experience, i do believe he got him to eat wich is good, but at this stage i dont think i will get another one anytime soon, i will do at some point but im going to read up on them big time! i...
  13. skate020

    Frondosa wont eat!

    Hellooo, i bought a Rhinopias Frondosa about 3 weeks ago and he has not eaten anything at all! im really worried, he's about 5" long and i have him isolated atm, he was in a 130g with a volitans lion, niger trigger, hippo tang, zebra eel.   i've only just put him in isolation and put 10 feeder...
  14. skate020

    stocklist for a 100g

    this thread is boring, im going to start a new one in aggresive, please follow me on there, hopefully it'll more of a public thread rather than me asking BTLD questions the whole time lol :)
  15. skate020

    stocklist for a 100g

    ok i will do, what is the best thing to feed him? some times he'll take a shrimp, sometimes he wont eat anything at all, shall i get a few chromis or something to start off the process of him feeding in a routine manor?
  16. skate020

    stocklist for a 100g

    yehh i should've waited a while but the fish came in soon and especially with the scorp i wouldnt have another chance to get it, also the sold me the Frondosa for £300, because they thought it was a eschimeri so i got it cheap. couldnt let this offer go to waste lol. i bought a UV steriliser the...
  17. skate020

    stocklist for a 100g

    yeh cranberry i'll get some more pics after work tonight, and BTLD i added them with about 2 weeks between, not alot of time but i've managed to get the nitrates lowered:) and my powerhead fell off and pointed down which pushed the sand away, i will put it back after work :)
  18. skate020

    stocklist for a 100g

    i have a couple of new arrivals :) hope you enjoy them, also bought myself a new car, thought i'd share a picture of it :) and then the car :)
  19. skate020

    stocklist for a 100g

    the first lion was like rotting away and died in the QT, i mentioned it about a month or two ago, readings are as followed: pH:8.3 Nitrite: 0 Ammonia: 0 nitrate: 20 and the fish are dying because they jump into the overflow and starve. the clowns are the only ones to die in the tank so far...
  20. skate020

    stocklist for a 100g

    a few updates, i bought a lion, nice size, cool really healthy, ate frozen from the moment i put him in the tank, i found both my clowns dead in my sump :/ which im guessing is the reason my tank has been cloudy and nitrates gone up for the past week, they were stuck in the rock so i couldnt see...