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  1. Patrick Seastar

    Which fish, for 10 gal tank?

    Not sure what you're referencing to.
  2. Patrick Seastar

    Torch Coral’s Mouth Hardened

    Is it normal for a torch coral’s mouth to become hardened? Upon inspection, it’s insides of the mouth seem to retract when touched. The tentacles are fine but the mouth is gaping & hard. What would you call this?
  3. Patrick Seastar

    Which fish, for 10 gal tank?

    2 clown fish occelaris that aren’t wild, not that you’ll find them but they can get to the size of a softball. Yellow blue damsels, fire fish, basslets, & gobies. I would recommend gobies that don’t sand sift, those things will make sandstorms in nanos.
  4. Patrick Seastar

    I'm kinda nervous

    "It's all about bio load and what your personal mission is for your system." Preach, brother!
  5. Patrick Seastar

    New Saltwater Tank :)

    The problem is that those are predator fish which are aggressive & will battle each other in a small tank. They are also very territorial & won't tolerate other fish coming into it's territory. The second problem is your small fish. If the predator fish are bigger than the small ones, they'll...
  6. Patrick Seastar

    13.5 evo stocking

    Did you ever set that aquariums up?
  7. Patrick Seastar

    Need help with a biocube

    When the water evaporated, what water did you use? Did you buy both clown fish at the same time or separately? What saltwater is it that you bought when the goby & tang died? What was the salinity of the aquariums that had the separated clownfish, goby & tang? Did you ever quarantine the goby &...
  8. Patrick Seastar

    ID these please

    They spread like wild fire or in my case, like oil grease when you're working on cars lol. They're almost ineradicable. If you don't mind how ugly they are or you don't plan on putting other corals in, you can simply just live with it. Other wise you'll have to kill the live rock by leaving in...
  9. Patrick Seastar

    Long tentacle anemone help!

    It most likely past away. It seems like there's a bacterial bloom. If that anemone didn't pass away from anoxia, I'm gonna say it was because the amount of nitrogenous waste in the water coming from all the detritus.
  10. Patrick Seastar

    FOWLR tank suggestions

    There's a lot of arguing about what's the proper size for the different types of fish. What I have found is that there is so much difference of opinion when it comes to this. Every website, book, or article is going to have different suggestions & you gotta remember... They're just suggestions...
  11. Patrick Seastar

    i don't have a fish tank but i need this question about a cowfish answered please help

    Sounds weird dude, I don't know lol. I mean, what type of clown fish was it? Most fish get pale in color when stressed but what you're describing almost sounds like an entirely different species.
  12. Patrick Seastar


    You have to quarantine EVERYTHING bro. I think that unless you medicate them, you're just rolling the dice. Ick isn't something you can always see. There's fish that carry them but are hardy enough to not become plagued by them. When you put them into your main display, they're going to colonize...
  13. Patrick Seastar

    These golden torches are FIRE!

    That first one looks amazing!
  14. Patrick Seastar

    Anyone complete aquarium projects during the shut down?

    I buy bottled saltwater & already had chemical filtration. As soon as my employer told me about the downsizing while on corona virus, I went out & bought bottled saltwater. I also have food for the fish so no problems for right now.
  15. Patrick Seastar


    Ah man, what a shame! Always heard good things about that one. I use it cause it seems the freshest to me besides it being devoured by my fish. They're all over here except maybe the some stores that aren't as popular.
  16. Patrick Seastar


    Nice! I mean, I've always found quarantining & medicating followed up with the right food always works. I like LFS fish frenzy & chunky & never seen a fish that didn't like, but I know you want specific information though. Good luck with your new angel fish. Can you upload a picture?
  17. Patrick Seastar


    First by quarantining. You have to quarantine EVERYTHING bro. I think that unless you medicate them, you're just rolling the dice. Ick isn't something you can always see. There's fish that carry them but are hardy enough to not become plagued by them. When you put them into your main display...
  18. Patrick Seastar

    Aquarium cycle without fish

    You know, I've always thought about that, but the one thing I think they don't know or maybe they do is that most of these fish come with ick but it's only the hardy ones that can tolerate them. Most beginners or families with kids can't go through the hassle & money of quarantining plus the...
  19. Patrick Seastar

    Aquarium cycle without fish

    Hey, If it works it works, I mean that is the concept of a refugium not to mention actual swamps & canals leading to coast lines. Just don't take out the macro algae cause it's in harmony with the bacteria & once you take it out, not enough bacteria to consume same amount of waste.
  20. Patrick Seastar

    The battle continues.

    I've always solved these issues with massive bacterial filtration. In today's day & age, bacterial filter media is insane. UV filters only take care of new spores flowing in the water. What happens to the already growing mats of algae? They sustain themselves with the nutrients present which is...