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  1. shnabbles

    Yellow arms coming from rock and sand?

    These are definently not brittle star legs, iv had and seen them before sticking out from the rocks... these legs are skinnier... longer... and a bright yellow or green..... when i stir them out of the sand bed their body is about a half inch to an inch long and is a dark green color... i just...
  2. shnabbles

    Yellow arms coming from rock and sand?

    I first noticed these a long time ago... very skinny little yellow arms coming out of the rocks.... .. now they are all over the place... coming out of the sand.... coming out of the rocks... they are all over the place... they grab food and stuff in the water... when i stir up the sand they...
  3. shnabbles

    What kind of algae is this (pics)

    I am in clayton. Iv been running the same brand of carbon for a couple years now with no problems... the carbon i have in there now probally needs to be replaced. This setup is just about 10 months old. I dont have anything running phosban.... I did just up my chaeto photoperiod from 6 hours a...
  4. shnabbles

    What kind of algae is this (pics)

    Can someone please tell me what this algae is... and how the heck i can get rid of it?? Iv been doing water changes, stirring it up, cutting back the lights... nothing helps... i only feed alittle bit once a day so i dont think its over feeding... i use RO/DI water with 0 TDS... I do not have a...
  5. shnabbles

    Fromia Starfish

    Should i be trying to special feed it anything or will will it get what it needs off the rocks?
  6. shnabbles

    Fromia Starfish

  7. shnabbles

    Fromia Starfish

    It moved today as much as it has in the past week so hopefully thats a good sign. Tank is about 10 months old, 180+lbs of Live Rock.. Salt is 1.026, PH 8.2 temp is 78-79 Alk is 9.0 meq CA is 500 (working on lowering). Nitrate is 0... I probally acclimated it in 2 hours or less...which sucks...
  8. shnabbles

    Fromia Starfish

    I picked one up about a week ago and it has barely moved over the past week.. i mean its moved like an inch... it moves very little from day to day... Still looks alive .... im just wondering what its deal is.... do they take a long time to adapt to a new tank? Right now i have it on some rocks...
  9. shnabbles

    Brittlestar/sally light foot to fuge?

    My tank is finally done cycling and im wondering if i should add my sally light foot and my green brittle star to the display or the fuge? The green brittle star is about the size of a volley ball and iv seen it wrap its arms around a coral i just squirted with mysis and steal all the mysis off...
  10. shnabbles

    Another Compatiabilty post.

    We are upgrading from a 55 to a 180, we have a maroon now in the 55 that is pushing 5 inches she is really big and one of the longest kept fish in our tank... the wife really wants a pair of mated ocellaris clowns, but doesnt want to get rid of the big maroon... can there be peace in a bigger...
  11. shnabbles

    Maroon clown playing in sand?

    ugh my maroon does that when his anenomee gets close the sand bed... the little SOB dug all the way down to the glass (3 inches)
  12. shnabbles

    Moving tank - Sand question

    In 3 weeks we will be moving 10 miles down the road.. My sand is 2-4 inches deep depending on the place in the tank.... I have a ton of life in the sand.. several different species of snails a couple of which i believe are reproducing. My question is if i stir my sand bed and do a water change...
  13. shnabbles

    Sallylightfoot in a reef

    Mine eats algae all day long, doesnt touch any of the corals.
  14. shnabbles

    Green Brittle Star Question

    I call mine the monster... well hopefully a silver side every other day or so will be enough to keep him full lol.
  15. shnabbles

    Green Brittle Star Question

    I need to get some peppermint shrimp because im having a aiptasia out break. Iv bought them before and they seem to dissapear in a day or two.. I suspect the Green Brittle Star.... Here is my question if it is the brittle star can i hand feed the star fish so he doesnt get hungry and go after...
  16. shnabbles

    Sun Corals spawn?

    I know Sun Corals spread from the main colony. But has anyone ever heard of Sun Corals spawning? I have these very small yellow duts with polyps coming out of them.. The dots are about this big "o" and have yellow polyps.... Anyeone else ever heard of or experianced the same thing?
  17. shnabbles

    Favia- Iodine dip or Frag?

    I have a favia thats been loosing some polyps around the edge, and now the polyps are starting to go 3 and 4 polyps back.... I have some KENT marine Iodine. Should i try a Iodine dip and see how it goes?? If so what is the recommended steps for doing a Iodine dip? Or Should i just frag the dead...
  18. shnabbles

    Help !! F@#$ing LFS

    of corse they offered to sell you the prime and new carbon right? LFS never seece to amaze me
  19. shnabbles

    Favia - Frag or Iodine Dip

    I have a favia thats been loosing some polyps around the edge, and now the polyps are starting to go 3 and 4 polyps back.... I have some KENT marine Iodine. Should i try a Iodine dip and see how it goes?? If so what is the recommended steps for doing a Iodine dip? Or Should i just frag the dead...
  20. shnabbles

    What is this growing on my sand?

    You need more flow i have 4 maxi jet 1200s in my 55 and still wish i had more.