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  1. fishy_fishy

    Equipment for 125 Gallon Tank?

    fix the lights tho there are 48" 125 tanks.. any1 else out there that can help?
  2. fishy_fishy

    Equipment for 125 Gallon Tank?

    Light: CoralLife 72" 150 WATT AQUALIGHT PRO Three 150 watt 10,000K double-ended HQI metal halide lamps Four 96 watt True Actinic 03 Blue square-pin compact fluorescent lamps Four 1 watt Lunar Blue-Moon-Glow 470nm LED lamps **10,000K 15,000K or 20,000K for the Mh's? Pure-Flo II RO Unit...
  3. fishy_fishy

    Best Tank Type?

    bump Clown Fish and a tang maybe a Goby, what would be best for that? I'm guessing that due to the tang atleast a 75 right?
  4. fishy_fishy

    Best Tank Type?

    Originally Posted by fishmamma I have both a rectangular and a bow front tank. Lighting has not been a problem, but I am running a simple Dual Sattelite on both. I personally like the "look" of bow fronts, but they do have some distortion. It is a tough call, check out as many pictures of...
  5. fishy_fishy

    Best Tank Type?

    snipe makes a good point about the legnth and tallness of the tank.. and mwaraxa makes a even better point about lights and the bow front.. gonna be a hard choice :notsure:
  6. fishy_fishy

    Best Tank Type?

    lol nah i wouldnt of guessed it :thinking:
  7. fishy_fishy

    Best Tank Type?

    well i use to have a 20 and well i didnt like it cuz it was too small.. now im thinking of getting something bigger around 50-75 and use the 20 for maybe a fuge. i am really hoping for a 70 but i might end up with something smaller like a 50-55.
  8. fishy_fishy

    Best Tank Type?

    Originally Posted by stessman that is all a personal preferance. althoguh ahexagon is ahrder to light because they are general taller and not that wide. A bowfront costs more that rectangular but you can do a little bit more aquascaping in it because you have more room in the middle yes i...
  9. fishy_fishy

    Best Tank Type?

    was just wondering what you guys would recommend for a 50-55 gallon tank Bowfront? Rectangular? Hexagon? And from my understanding with acrylics and scratches.. i will most likely be getting a glass tank. Im looking for something that would be easy to clean and gives the best view of corals and...
  10. fishy_fishy

    Can you split a Brain Coral?

    lol k thanx
  11. fishy_fishy

    Can you split a Brain Coral?

    bump... im wondering the same :D
  12. fishy_fishy

    Torch Coral.. good for a 20 gal?

    Tank Specs: 1 year 4 months old :jumping: 20gal High tank AquaC Remora Hang-on Skimmer 130 watts of light -65watt 10,000k -65 watt Antic 3-4" of LS 30-35lbs of LR Inhabitants: Brown Moon Polyps, Yellow Colony Polyps, too many Hairy Mushrooms 1 Cleaner Shrimp 2 False Percs Chem: Ammonia-0...
  13. fishy_fishy

    coral/thing identification?

    im not that educated ont corals, but that kinda looks like a plate coral? but let the other members post here before you take my word on it. :happyfish edit: skilos is quicker than me.. :notsure:
  14. fishy_fishy

    ATTN: looking fo new fish store in NJ

    the guys at aboslutely fish sold me 2 snails with bubble algae on them.. ofcourse me being a newbie to the hobby at the time i didnt realize what it was. one year later... im still trying to fight off all the damn bubble algae that came from the snail :nope: :mad: also they are extremely...
  15. fishy_fishy

    Which coral is better?

    imo id go with torch or frogspawn... i just like tenticles that sway in the currents thats what i was going for lol :joy: k thanx guys ill look into the xenia, torch and frogspawn corals.
  16. fishy_fishy

    Which coral is better?

    I need to pick one of the following for my tank: torch coral, frogspawn, short-tentacle plate coral, starburst polyp, pumping xenia it will be for my 30 gal tank. i have hairy mushrooms, star polyps and button polyps all in the tank and i wanted something else. I have about 10 blue-legged hermit...
  17. fishy_fishy

    What type of food can you grow?

    yea i have plent of caulpera but the clowns dont seem to like that... but they do love the frozen brine i give them so maybe ill raise some brine shrimp :D
  18. fishy_fishy

    What type of food can you grow?

    i would like to start growing some food in my fuge but i dont know exactly what type of food that will grow in it. i have a 5 gallon hang on fuge with a 18watt 6500k bulb on it. and i have 2 clowns. What is there to grow?