Search results

  1. rara12

    your most expensive fish

    $140 for a show size Koran Angel, He was 7-8 inches when i got him. I went away for the weekend over the summer and lost almost all of my fish. My neighbor knoked out the power for two days while i was at the beach. lost my $140 Koran, a $70 cortez (5") a $45 French (2-3") $35 Spanish Hog...
  2. rara12

    New Juvi Queen Angel

    I live in NJ and during the summer people see butterflys and angels off our shores, so NC should have a ton of stuff, i would think atleast.
  3. rara12

    Fish ID please

    So heres a picture of the fish. Very camera shy, but also very curious about whats going on. My good camera got ruined so this is the best picture i could get
  4. rara12

    Fish ID please

    That actually looks just like him. Granted he's smaller. I only paid $50.00 for him, maybe its because hes so small but thats exactly what he looks like!
  5. rara12

    Fish ID please

    It has the body shape of the marine betta but its not black at all. Really a light blue. Ive seen marine bettas this guys size and they were much darker. It also lacks the eye spot. I found my camera but sadly it got destroyed when our basement flooded a couple weeks ago. So as soon as i...
  6. rara12

    Fish ID please

    Hi guys, so i bought a fish at a LFS and i cant remember the name of it. I thought it was labled something like powleri betta or something betta, but i couldnt find anything when i searched the web. The guy at the store (a very respectable store that i really trust with a very good staff and...
  7. rara12

    Enoplosus Armatus

    The Old wifes fish, i work at a LFS and we get them from time to time, small ones like three inches. Hard to get eating but otherwise cool. We sell them for about $150.00
  8. rara12

    Any good LFS in NY-?

    Absolutely Fish has an amazing selection. Def worth a trip.
  9. rara12

    What Resides with your Lionfish

    Just wanted to say great picture!
  10. rara12

    Looking for suggestions on a white fish...

    Some butterly fish are mostly white, but tend to cost alittle more. For instance the Spotfin Butterfly-Chaetodon ocellatus. Hamlets can be alittle on the agressive side so that might be out. The molly idea was good!
  11. rara12

    "cleaner" clam lifespan

    Last spring i added eighteen cleaner clams to my 285g fish only tank. At first they all buried themselves. But over the course of two weeks the shells of two of them showed up. About two monthes ago i added more rocks and dug up fourteen clams. Figured that wasnt so bad. Recently, after...
  12. rara12

    New Seachem Aquavitro products

    I have seen them and i think they look like shampoo bottles lol but i havent used them yet. If you do try them post your feed back as im interested as well
  13. rara12

    Stock list for new 210

    No, but you can do one of the tangs in the Naso or Ctenochaetus groups or a hep tang. The flasher wrasses should be a great choice, smaller fish that is a very active swimmer and very peaceful. If you wanted some cool color an orange spot foxface is a nice choice.
  14. rara12

    Sailfin Mollies

    If they're free you have nothing to lose. Just toss them in.
  15. rara12

    Sailfin Mollies

    I personally have a school of about 5 gold dust mollys and about three sailfin molleys and i bought them at *****, netted them out of the bag, and tossed them in my 285g SW tank. No acclimation at all. They all lived and swim together happily now.
  16. rara12

    Expensive Fish

    The LFS i work at just got three in and we had three the first batch that was collected. I think they're going for $4,500. Beautiful fish, all looking great and eating two days after arrival! If you have the money for them ive been told that they're basically an orange passers angel, so...
  17. rara12

    Super Neon?

    Before i had any purple caroline algea my rocks all turned like a bright neon green color that wouldnt scrub off. After a while it faded away and the purple took over. MAybe its the same?
  18. rara12

    Acrid's 65g reef tank diary (pic heavy)

    Few, had me scared for a little. Hes great! I never see him moving but i do see him. He just kinda freezes when he sees me. Great bright red color! And yeah those little eyes are funny. I think he was a good buy, i paid $8 for mine.
  19. rara12

    Acrid's 65g reef tank diary (pic heavy)

    Was the little red crab coral safe? I just got one yesterday, that exact same crab and so far he just kinda sits here or there. He sat on some zoos of mine but didnt look like he did anything. I dont have any fish and really dont plan on any. The LFS said it was reef safe and it was in with...
  20. rara12

    Nano meltdown!
