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  1. aztec reef

    How often do you have to replace the filter on RO/DI units

    $50-500bucks. It measures Total dissolved solids..(impure compounds)..
  2. aztec reef

    What Chemicals/Filter Media do you think is Imperative?

    Originally Posted by florida joe Bang I remember we had some discussion on turf scrubber filtration glade to see you did not abandon the idea any thought about posting a chronicle on your project? Sorry to highjack Dido on that, I would like to see how efficiently it works.. given the same...
  3. aztec reef

    What Chemicals/Filter Media do you think is Imperative?

    Deepsandbeds + lots of lr + a good skimmer and regular waterchanges..
  4. aztec reef

    Growth on walls

    You dont need any special lighting for coraline growth.. I was under the impretion that all lr has at least a dime size patch of coraline.. All u have to do is scrape some of that off with a razor or whatever u prefer..this will spread pores evenly & faster.. But nothing will happend if the...
  5. aztec reef

    Cycle Question...

    Instead of wasting money in alot of lr, i would get a detrivore kit from a sea farm... Personally i breed my own fauna . and make my own lr..
  6. aztec reef

    How often do you have to replace the filter on RO/DI units

    I second the Tds meter.. Dont worry about ro name brands, just get a decent 4stage ro/di unit..
  7. aztec reef

    undewater filter

    I dont see anything wrong with adding extra flow and some way to run carbon to cristalize the water.. Plus , good water flow pushes the molecules upstairs so that the surface filters can pick them up and processes them quicker ...
  8. aztec reef

    undewater filter

    Originally Posted by ReefForBrains Its about input from other reefkeepers, not about deeming anything right or wrong. Good luck with either way you decide. "I personally would advise against it as stated above"
  9. aztec reef

    Kent vs Instant Ocean vs Oceanic vs Red Sea

    I always used IO..When you have more than one tank, Salt is salt.. The secret is to have the 3 amigos,alk,magnesium supplements (just in case).. the rest is History..
  10. aztec reef

    All Fish Died Within 2 Hours Of Cleaning

    Bang i think im on the same page as you.. However, Eventhough he was treating the Tap water with prime.. Im guessing He was doing it before it went into DT and hopefully he was also aerating this treated water for at least 24hrs.. Im sure water chemistry is distorded ,Otherwise he wouldn't have...
  11. aztec reef

    my lighting is it good enough

    Personally, im not fond of T5's.. Yet, some people swear by them. If i were you, i would get a different unit with two 400w mhs or even better three 400w mhs.. 1 10k-14k bulb + 1 20k bulb.. Or 2 10k-14k + 1 20k. The choice is up to you, youll just need to get at least 1 daylight flavor and 1...
  12. aztec reef

    Growth on walls

    Vigorous water flow abundance throughout tank + good water chemistry(especially Calcium,Alkalinity & magnesium...)
  13. aztec reef

    All Fish Died Within 2 Hours Of Cleaning

    I've never heard of any Tap being that good... I know that even here in Oregon where we have one of the purest waters around we still get a few TDS.. Needless to say, Ro is better .. but Not as good as ro/di.
  14. aztec reef

    undewater filter

    Why have an extra filtering unit collecting dust? When it can certainly serve a purpose. As stated in post #1.. The intentions of its use are mainly for extra flow and some biofiltration.. If the real question was wether to use it or not as the tank's primary filtration???.. Then i would say No...
  15. aztec reef

    13 year old preteen daughter

    I come from an Estrogen dominated family. When me and my wife got pregnant i was hoping to get a mini-me but in return a got a little goddess.. Now shes 13 and im worried about boys chasing her.. But im quick to let any pretenders know that daddy's got a sawed-off shotgun
  16. aztec reef

    So, what DID you do last night??

    Went with wifey and few friends to a killer rock show(Flodyan slips= Pink floyd's tribute band). I started off with some patron then switched to some cocktails and ended the night with some coronas.. we did the countdown outside cause nothing was going to stop me from doing the mexican...
  17. aztec reef

    All Fish Died Within 2 Hours Of Cleaning

    Good points sepulatian.. However, we're talking about a two month old tank that has been running on Tap..Also the sandbed is inefficiently set up with humus tangs and butterflies..Those whom are erradicators of beneficial sanbed fauna..thus making the sandbed a one-way street for...
  18. aztec reef

    Transporting LR?

    100lbs is alot of rock to add at once..However, your spike would be minimal being that the lr is cured and only an hour away. It can be done.. Whenever you get the lr, right before u put the lr in DT i would do a partial waterchange of DT's water...Save that water, as it will be used to rinse...
  19. aztec reef

    undewater filter

    So its an internal filter...I supposse that it can be hung on the back.. In that case, yeah u probably can use it as long as its kept clean...
  20. aztec reef

    All Fish Died Within 2 Hours Of Cleaning

    1. Your water source contains impurities that fuels the algea.. Waterchanges are pointless..Especially partial ones.. Youll need ro/di waterchanges in order to see some progress.. 2. You nuked your fish with a Toxic Nitrogeus-gas bomb..