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  1. grobot

    Clown grouper questions

    I've had this guy close to a year now, he's usually excited to see me and snatches the food as soon as it hits the water but yesterday he didn't eat anything and gets real aggro when I try to feed him with a poker. He's been hiding and when I see him he shivers sometimes. My water parameters...
  2. grobot

    decoy scorpion?

    picked this guy up from my lfs, thought it was pretty interesting. did some homework and i think hes a decoy scorpion. only thing is hes not eating, its been a week now and hes not eating at all tried live saltwater feeder, mysis, squid, shrimp and hes not taking any of it. any advise? i dont...
  3. grobot

    pterois sphex

    Haha yeah for sure :) I live on Oahu and this lfs is right in Waikiki. Its still pretty rare over here too, but what's the chances right??
  4. grobot

    pterois sphex

    Quote: Originally Posted by saxman Finding this fish in the hobby is like finding a 4-leaf clover...pretty rare. so whats the chance of this? haha found two at my lfs
  5. grobot

    pterois sphex

    Quote: Originally Posted by Cranberry You need to get it. You will LOVE it. It's great having something written for our little niche. Frank, Change your avatar... LOL. haha! well i just ordered the book, says itll come in in 3-5 business days. but its never the case.
  6. grobot

    pterois sphex

    thinking about ordering the book as soon as i can cant wait to reading it i seen the things with stings tank build thread and youtube page super nice fish really interesting too, really looking forward to seeing the new tank im thinking about sticking with lions/ scorpions any suggestions for...
  7. grobot

    pterois sphex

    Quote: Originally Posted by FMarini yuppers...a real live P Sphex Its pretty cool that you've got one, as Greg mentioned they are not to common on the mainland, primarily, because they look alot like P Antennata. As mentioned their care is similar to caring for the P Antennata-Mombasasse group...
  8. grobot

    pterois sphex

    Quote: Originally Posted by saxman Yeppers, Lionfish Lair is our website (Scorpaeniformes are our passion/obsession/addiction). In fact, we have a lionfish care article that will be going live as soon as it gets "prettied-up" and coded by Renee (Cranberry). We actually, decided not to mention...
  9. grobot

    pterois sphex

    Quote: Originally Posted by Slice ****** Their site. Great resource. amazing site (: pretty much has everything thanks for the link
  10. grobot

    pterois sphex

    btw you guys seem like you know scorpions and lions pretty well, im currently feeding him live opae shrimp how long does it take till i can start feeding him dried/prepared food?
  11. grobot

    pterois sphex

    haha will do thanks for the advice earlier much appreciated
  12. grobot

    pterois sphex

    couple more pictures not the best photographer but enjoy
  13. grobot

    pterois sphex

    just a few pictures i took ill try and take better ones as soon as i get home
  14. grobot

    pterois sphex

  15. grobot

    pterois sphex

    I got him from an lfs been looking for a really long time and came upon him by chance. Really beautiful fish my favorite by far (: i liked my barberi too really cute personable fish haha
  16. grobot

    pterois sphex

    Haha 100% sure it's sphex I live in Hawaii and I had a barberi and those are the only two legal here. Thanks for the advice (: haha and I have a picture of him as my avatar. I'll post some pictures as soon as I can
  17. grobot

    pterois sphex

    any tips on how to care for him? just picked him up today and i dont really know too much about them, did some research but nothing really that helpful. i have a dendrochirus barberi but hes relatively easy to take care of, eats anything and everything. so just wondering if anybody has any...
  18. grobot

    aiptasia.. i think

    any closer pics? it's def. not aiptasia... Ok haha thanks I was getting worried but I'll post a picture as soon as I can. But should I dig it out of the substrate or let it grow to see what it is?
  19. grobot

    aiptasia.. i think

    The little polyp on the left the one on the right is my anemone. And he's about 2" in diameter so that thing On the left is pretty small
  20. grobot

    aiptasia.. i think

    thats one of them