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  1. matirvine

    Clowns wont host anemone

    Awsome thanks for the tips, I'll give them a shot this week.
  2. matirvine

    Ocellaris Clowns, Percula Clowns, & Anemone Hosting ?s

    I have one Ocellaris and one Perculas as well and they loved each other from day one. Been about 3 months now and ive noticed no change in there attitude toward each other.
  3. matirvine

    Clowns wont host anemone

    I just added a bubble tip anemone about a week ago and my clown dont seem to be interested at all. They were in the tank before the anemone and are hosting a power head. Would removing the power head for the time being encourage them to host the anemone?
  4. matirvine

    Hitchhiker coral

    Found this while I was doing a little rearranging in my tank. Looks bleached but there are small hairs growing out of the tips. Ive since put it in direct light with the hopes it may come back. Anyone know what it is?
  5. matirvine

    i think i have a miniature elephant ninja

    Maybe, it doesnt have the "spines" on the side of it like a brittle, its perfectly smooth.
  6. matirvine

    i think i have a miniature elephant ninja

    Is that what your talking about?? Not the best pic, bowfront makes focusing hard if not impossible. Its come out about 2-3 inches and whips around looking for things, Ive seen 2-3 of them at a time in that area comming from different holes. I dont know what it is though
  7. matirvine

    Coral hitchhiker, help IDing

    Hey guys, Just set up a 30 Gal bowfront and got some live rock with what looks like some coral and I cant ID it. If someone could help me out that would be great. Pics kinda fuzzy because my camera has a hard time focusing through the distortion effect of the glass. As you can see the coral isnt...