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  1. soma

    Post pics of your other household animals! (no fish)

    Hahaha no its not a rattler, but sometimes he thinks he is. He's a baby western hognose with the attitude of a cobra. =b
  2. soma

    Spotted Puffer Fish

    Where were you reading this at? Are you sure you didn't misread it? It's possible that your source was telling you to do water changes with freshwater, not topping off. If the puffer is the only fish in the 10 gallon, then you shouldn't need to move him. Keep him in that tank, and I would say...
  3. soma

    Spotted Puffer Fish

    Trust me. If you take a cup of water, add salt to it, and let the water evaporate, the salt will be left behind. Let a saltwater tank sit for months without topping it off, and you will notice that the salinity will creep higher and higher. :) If the water evaporates, and the salt is left...
  4. soma

    clarkii clown for 20gal tank?

    Originally Posted by nanoreef just curious are you from canada ? it would be ok in a 20gal i would say no more than 4-5 fish - most 4-5 very SMALL fish. (gobies, firefish, psuedochromis, etc.)
  5. soma

    Spotted Puffer Fish

    Although your water may evaporate from your tank, the salt certainly does not. Topping off evaporated water from your saltwater tank with freshwater is what you should regularly be doing, if you aren't, then you need to check your salinity more often. Topping off with saltwater will only raise...