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  1. rcjone01

    hey NMREEF and other older users

    hey! I found my old name! by searching some old posts! um...didnt mean old as in age, the term "older user" was in reference to 2+ years on this forum yeah! MR.salty! thanks ive been trying to remember what his screen name was. now if i could just remember my pasword...hummm.....
  2. rcjone01

    hey NMREEF and other older users

    hey, I am an older user, from about 5 years ago, I left about 2 years ago, and forgot what my screen name was, i remember NMREEF, and SAMMYSTINGRAY, TREY, and some guy who built hovercrafts, as major contributers to this forum, is there a way to find my old screen name, i want my "street...
  3. rcjone01


    my cat does the Matrix thing ill post when i get a good pic, its like a fake sneak attack then runs away! thanks for the advice ive been spraying, but im sure it will take more time
  4. rcjone01


    Hi i have a cat, well kitty...about 17 weeks old. male, indoor, not old enough for neutering yet, well heres the thing, He has this thing with going into the garbage and stealing tissues and paper towels, he knocks over the garbage to get to them. when he finds one he runs around the house and...
  5. rcjone01

    stocking a 45

    hey sorry, had a bad day... i re read your post, thanks for awnsering my question, about the flame/clown my origional post was a bit wishywashy... anyway ill re post better (more clear) questions there for i will flame my self hehehe once again thanks
  6. rcjone01

    stocking a 45

    thanks for the reply, but im not making a reef tank, its going to be a 45 fowlr looking for good fish combo as for the inverts (sponge/gorgonian) i was just "fishing" for info thanks!
  7. rcjone01

    moving tank question on cycle

    also remember to have the new water ready for your tank at its new destination. salt, declorinated heated ect...
  8. rcjone01

    moving tank question on cycle

    when i had my 20g reef i moved 3 times, and never had any spike. I broke down the tank live stock first, LR i placed in large tupperware containers with aquarium water about half way full. bottled about 25% about 5 gallons and left the sand bed with about 1" of water on it. moved tank, stand...
  9. rcjone01

    recycling pun intended

    making good use of a green chromis death...I had one die on me, this may sound weird but i put it to good use! I took my dead fish and put it into my new 20g tank im restarting up, to start a cycle. So i recycled to cycle. I tought this was kind of funny and had to let everyone know...althought...
  10. rcjone01

    10g refuge question for a 45g

    Hello, i am concidering a refuge 10g but am really paranoid about water over flowing and spilling all over the floor. has any one had any problems with this happening, and is there any preventative measures and fail safes? thanks!
  11. rcjone01

    broken powerheads

    thanks for the suggestion, i will
  12. rcjone01

    broken powerheads

    hi, ive got 2 powerheads that stoped working, they are over 5 years old and worked fine till about 2 weeks ago. they make noise and spin randomly but with no real force. they tend to rumble as they seem to be stuck. i tried to clean them, but with no success. any suggestions? thanks
  13. rcjone01

    stocking a 45

    Hi everyone, Im not really new to this site, just been away at college, I sold my reef tank 2 years ago and am getting back into the hobby...I also forgot what my screen name used to be so... well, i am starting my 45 back up after a live stock wipeout, thanks to internal parasites from a toby...