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  1. zodiac61

    long nose

    I just got a longnose last week. He was floating around on his side and acting a little strange for a few days but after that he's been all over the tank. My only problem now is my yellow tang is pickin on him, i think he thinks its another tang. :scared: My PH is 8.0, temp is 79, and...
  2. zodiac61

    Burgandy Linkia issue

    whats your PH? I had 2 of these in my old tank, they are very hearty. They do like to hide, and like the PH 8.1-8.4. My tank temp was 80 degrees. Keep an eye on it, but it should come around.
  3. zodiac61

    yellow tang problem

    Try taking all the fish out, then rearrange the rocks. Put them all back after about an hour, put the tang in last. See if this works. It will be like putting them all into a new tank simultaneously. (at least the fish should think so) :joy:
  4. zodiac61

    square anthias

    I ahve a 100 gallon fish only tank that has been set up for about 4 months. I just added 2 pink square anthias' about 3 weeks ago. While the lights are on they hide. One of them will come out to feed, the other just kinda lays on the bottom all the time..on it's side, yesterday he was curved up...