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  1. edgarf


    Originally Posted by hawthorn my advice would be to take it to your lfs and get store credit. that way you could get a more suitable fish for your system with this fish needing a big tank it could and probably will in time get stressed being in a 30g and you realy dont want to get this fish...
  2. edgarf


    Originally Posted by hawthorn the cubicus boxfish is a difficult fish to keep and should only be kept by a very experianced aquarist you will need a big tank idealy a 125 gallon or bigger its a sem-aggressive fish that can become poisonous when stressed or dies. try feeding it live brine or...
  3. edgarf


    Originally Posted by BigB Hope you have a big tank. Yellow Cubicus Cowfish Why? Does it grow too much? The tank I have is not to big is a 30 gal Do you know what's it diet? Thanks in advance
  4. edgarf


    Let me modify the picture I will uploaded tonight Thanks
  5. edgarf


    can some one help me please :notsure: my girl friend gave me this fish but she didn't know what kind was it.....I was looking for it in inthernet but is hard to find it does some one know what kind it is...or its diet