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  1. dodgersfan

    55g reef and everything you need F/S So Cal

    do you still have live rock available? can i buy it seperately? email if you do
  2. dodgersfan

    Wtb: Live Rock

    anyone in the so cal region looking to part with or have about 100 lbs. of live rock. i am interested in some tonga branches and other good building rocks to go into my new 90 gallon. email if interested
  3. dodgersfan

    How to frag a Leather tree coral.

    i don't think superglue would work. it's a soft coral and hence they are a bit slippery. try the net or toothpick method. i think that would work out better
  4. dodgersfan

    Scored on a Yellow Figi Leather!

    smoney, hook me up with that little bud!
  5. dodgersfan

    how much flow for pulsing xenia?

    my Xenia seem to do well in moderately low flow. they dont like to get blown around.
  6. dodgersfan

    Anenome Shrimp

    this little guy lives in my anenome, but i can't tell what kind of shrimp it is? it looks like a mix between a sexy anenome shrimp and a pistol? any ideas or answers?
  7. dodgersfan

    Anenome Shrimp

    this little guy lives in my anenome, but i can't tell what kind of shrimp it is? it looks like a mix between a sexy anenome shrimp and a pistol? any ideas or answers?
  8. dodgersfan

    Can I just say "I LOVE MY TANK!!"

    yes you can
  9. dodgersfan

    Would You Change a Sump to a Refugium???

    if you're tank is running fine, i wouldnt mess around with one. but if you're looking to lower nitrates and phosphates, i would def build one. i thought it would be hard to make one too, but they're actually pretty simple. all they are is a seperate container where beneficial algae and pods can...
  10. dodgersfan

    U-Tube Failure

    hmmmm, okay, so i shouldnt worry about it? yeah ive had mine for about 4 months and its going fine.........but just a a thought that popped up. thanks guys
  11. dodgersfan

    U-Tube Failure

    just a quick question regarding my overflow: what happens when my U-Tube stops siphoning water over? :notsure: won't water from my sump continue pumping all the water in the sump into the tank and cause a flood of the main tank? is there anything to prevent this? how likely is this to happen?
  12. dodgersfan

    Here's the monster....

  13. dodgersfan

    reef plugs

    can i get that link too? i am thinking about getting into the whole fragging thing thanks.
  14. dodgersfan

    Making a Refugium

    very nicely done............tell me how it works out in the long run
  15. dodgersfan

    What's Wrong?

    hmmmm...........sounds scary, im guessing that these sundials are very small and hard to see? hopefully ill be able to notice it in time!
  16. dodgersfan

    What's Wrong?

    so do the sundial snails EXCLUSIVELY eat zoos? do they just live amongst the bed of them or might they be snacking and then hiding somewhere else cuz i dont see any right now........
  17. dodgersfan

    What's Wrong?

    yea, it's a mix of SMALL algae growth and waste.........i tried to blow some of it away, so hopefully they'll cheer up? on a seperate note, my turbos dont seem to be eating a lot of the detirus and other crud on some of my live rock? in the beginning, they ate all of that stuff of the rocks and...
  18. dodgersfan

    What's Wrong?

    that's a cool lookin snail.................but i dont want a zoo muncher! thanks all for this info, now i have some things to look out for.................hopefully ill find the cause to "The Mystery of the Dissapearing Zoos". i hope to lock some snails away in prison
  19. dodgersfan

    What's Wrong?

    ive had them for about 4 months or so.........they were spreading like crazy until now! i dont have a cleaner shrimp, but i DO have a coral banded...........he does seem to harrass some of the other corals