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  1. Brando31

    I know just enough to hurt myself and some fish...

    A couple guys on here have said that about the cleaner wrasse...but now that he's out and about he seems to be doing fine. Today he has really been hanging around the damsel and pecking on him a ton. The damsel loves it. I also hung some algae on a clip and he went nuts for it. He won't eat any...
  2. Brando31

    I know just enough to hurt myself and some fish...

    The plan is to keep the fish in the 75 and dose with paragard until they are better, keep the invertebrates in a 30 gallon, and plan for a bigger built that I can do right that can contain both disease free. Maybe 150 or around there. UPDATE: the feeder wrasse re-appeared yesterday. I have a...
  3. Brando31

    I know just enough to hurt myself and some fish...

    Yup, agreed. That was one of the things I just didn't know before. I went home for lunch. Too late for the clown. The damsel will surly be next, he's not looking good. Side story: The yellow tang was a "gift" from my brother in laws LFS. He was in real bad shape from being picked on. Almost no...
  4. Brando31

    I know just enough to hurt myself and some fish...

    One-Fish: Yup I finished the book, and I have followed it for the most part, except for a QT tank and patience and adding entirely too much to my tank in a short amount of time. Obviously some pretty important factors. Okay, so maybe I didn't follow it very well. Another read now that I...
  5. Brando31

    I know just enough to hurt myself and some fish...

    Thanks to all who responded. For now I will wait and see how things play out with what is still alive. Continue my water changes and monitor the related water parameters. If they all die I will break it down and start over. I won a gold fish from the fair once when I was a kid. He lasted over...
  6. Brando31

    I know just enough to hurt myself and some fish...

    The saga continues... So yesterday after work I decided to go to the second LFS again for advice. To paint the picture, they have salt water fish and corals only. No animals or fresh water at all. The tanks are crystal clear and you could eat off the floor in this place. The merchandise is...
  7. Brando31

    I know just enough to hurt myself and some fish...

    Oh so many rookie mistakes: 75 gallon with skimmer, sump, refugium, flow, auto top off, and LED's at 76 degrees. So I basically poisoned my invertebrates by dosing my display tank with copper after seeing a few spots on my fish. I didn't know about the copper invertebrate relationship until...
  8. Brando31

    I know just enough to hurt myself and some fish...

    Well , It was bound to happen...I had my first major rookie mistake. About 8:30 Friday night, laying on the couch watching the fish when I notice a spot on one of the damsels. Without hesitation, I treated the tank with "paraguard" thinking it might be a parasite. Immediately, I mean with...
  9. Brando31

    I know just enough to hurt myself and some fish...

    Thanks, yeah I did the two heater thing as I came across that suggestion before. And yes, everything is on gfi's. I have heard more than once about a heater getting stuck and overheating the tank...that's what I'm worried about. Sounds like having some type of controller with wifi water...
  10. Brando31

    I know just enough to hurt myself and some fish...

    Quick update: Everything is running fine. Water parameters are good for PH, nitrites, nitrates, and ammonia. I have read that I need to start testing for calcium and magnesium. Bought a Flame Angel and was given a really beat up yellow tang. My brother in law owns a pet store and this particular...
  11. Brando31

    I know just enough to hurt myself and some fish...

    1. Overflow box siphon issue: I saw a guy online who hooked up a aqua lifter pump to suck accumulated air from the overflow as a fail safe. I bought one today. 2. I bought a Eshopps gravity fed auto top off container to supply the Eshopps sump I installed last week. The sump has a built-in...
  12. Brando31

    I know just enough to hurt myself and some fish...

    Thanks. I heard it slurping last night about 2:00am. So I got up and tinkered with it until it settled and it was time to go to work. Adding a little water, adjusting the flow, adjusting the level of the overhang unit...whatever seemed logical. I just ran home for lunch and its still fine. I did...
  13. Brando31

    I know just enough to hurt myself and some fish...

    So, I had my sump pretty well balanced to the tank. It ran about a week without any issues. I would add water due to evap and it stayed stable. Then the skimmer came in the mail so I put it in the sump in its own factory designed section. Now the pump is sucking the water out faster than its...
  14. Brando31

    I know just enough to hurt myself and some fish...

    Update. I read all of the idiots guide book, some chapters twice. I wish I had read it before I dove in and was ten steps ahead of myself. Currently in transition with water changes to get all the TAP water out. Wishing I hadn't stocked the tank with 5 damsels (some are showing signs of white...
  15. Brando31

    I know just enough to hurt myself and some fish...

    Jay, thanks again for the book suggestion. I found a copy last night at Barns and Noble and its exactly what I was looking for. Just getting through the first few chapters really set me at ease with the basics I need understand in order to get my head wrapped around this project.
  16. Brando31

    I know just enough to hurt myself and some fish...

    Humm...well I don't plan on having an eel, maybe I'll go topless. But since there is virtually zero humidity where I am at I better think about an auto re-fill. The evaporation rate is crazy in the desert. When it comes to this...I'm an idiot, I'll be picking that book up today. Thanks. Here...
  17. Brando31

    I know just enough to hurt myself and some fish...

    Thanks. I suppose the most frustrating thing is that there doesn't seem to be a clear cut way to run a tank. So many different theories and opinions and set ups that its hard to decipher which route to take. Most things I'm used to working on are very mechanical with a very clear cut way to make...
  18. Brando31

    I know just enough to hurt myself and some fish...

    My dad had a salt water tank when I was a kid, I I think the only things that ever lived were some Molly's and a very tough tomato clown. I had a salt water tank for a few years a while back but my method of maintenance was to do a water change every time all the fish died, then go buy 10...