Search results

  1. chinchin

    Help identify this fish please...

    Just going through tons of random google images after typing in latern basslet i found him I think! Diplectrum formosum Sand perch: This doesn't sound good considering his tank mate: "Predators of the sand perch include snappers, groupers, red porgy (Pagrus pagrus), red drum (Sciaenops...
  2. chinchin

    Foxface Rabbitfish

    Mine goes camo when he goes to the left side of the aquarium. On the right side near the rocks he stays bright, if he enters the left he goes full camo mode, almost always. He looks like a zombie when he does it.
  3. chinchin

    Help identify this fish please...

    More recent pic of my fish, measured he is just over 6 inches long:
  4. chinchin

    Help identify this fish please...

    Pic didnt post in previous post of Epholophois Polleni.
  5. chinchin

    Help identify this fish please...

    I was told today by someone who saw the fish in person that it was not a lantern. He said he thought it was a hybrid of some type, if wild caught, which I assume he was. He mentioned Epholopholis Polleni and a Banded Grouper as the closet things he could think of. Thoughts? A...
  6. chinchin

    Help identify this fish please...
