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  1. cdblax

    what to feed zebra eel

    I just bought a nice size zebra eel at the LFS. The schmucks there didnt have anything to buy to feed the poor thing. What is the best thing to get to feed these guys?
  2. cdblax

    atlantic blue tang with brown spots

    He started off with a slight breakout of ich, got a little better, but then started to get brown spots
  3. cdblax

    All fish dead

    well I used that turbo start the tank was cycled and I got the water tested many times and it was perfect. How many fish is a good amount to put in at a time and what intervals
  4. cdblax

    All fish dead

    I had five fish in my 120 gallon, french angel, half black, powder brown, clown and blue throat trigger, all but the trigger are dead now and he is 3/4 of the way there. They started off with ich, and then looked like their scales were falling off got very lethargic, and began not to eat. Does...
  5. cdblax

    uv for a 120

    There are so many out there which one is the best or atleast suitable for a 120
  6. cdblax

    how many fish?

    I have a 120 gallon tank, with three fish in it right now a blue throat trigger, half black angel, and a french angel. How many more can I put?
  7. cdblax

    cap5000 or mag9.5

    For a 120 gallon tank which one would you recomened
  8. cdblax

    submersible or out of water

    For a 120g what kind of pump would you use to run the wet dry
  9. cdblax

    please tell me what pump to get for a wetdry

    I am either getting a wetdry 150-175 capacity and am getting a 120 gallon tank I need some advice on which pump to get, i have heard all good about caps, and mixed opinions on rios, someone help
  10. cdblax

    which Pump

    I have recently bought a 120 gallon tank, i am gonna get the wet/dry 175 to be safe with the filtration (anyone think differently) I wanted to know which pump to get I have heard a couple of different opinions the rio 3100, the cap5000, then someone said that the cap5000 would take too much...
  11. cdblax

    emperor 400 and Penguin biowheel 330

    the tank that i am getting is a 120 gallon, is that too much for these filters
  12. cdblax

    emperor 400 and Penguin biowheel 330

    Quick question would you be able to use these filters in a salt water tank, and the tank be successful or is it just not enough filtration?
  13. cdblax

    starting a 120 salt

    when you say a penguin large model does that mean that you dont need a bio filter?
  14. cdblax

    starting a 120 salt

    I am new to the hobby but i think the salt water fish are amazing. I have been looking into buying a 120 and starting it up can anyone tell me a list of evrything I will need to get started